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Who's in the Video

Getting out of the vacuum.

Question: How have food bloggers changed your work?

Adam Platt: I like it. It’s a way of-- I think restaurant critics are used to working kind of- in a kind of a vacuum. It used to be sort of a stuffy, somewhat cliquish world and you like to look at the blogs and to know that people are out there in a frenzy running around and they care about it and it gives import to what you do, and if people are attacking you and- that’s fine also. So I don’t have any problem with it. I-- As far as blogging and people reviewing- quote, unquote, reviewing restaurants that they’re blogging, I’m fine with that too. That’s the internet phenomenon. That’s what-- That-- It’s immediate and I don’t think you can expect anything less. So I’m not going to play the stuffy old critic disapproving of the way things are done now. I think the internet is-- It’s more and more- we’re- not even more and more-- We’re all internet journalists now and some- the process is just a little different for some than for others.

Question: Would you ever blog a la Frank Bruni?

Adam Platt: I do that a little bit. The magazine has a very good restaurant blog with full-time employees and so-- and I contribute to that but I tend to do it every week as opposed to every five minutes. Now as far a being a blogger, if-- I actually like the media. I think it's actually more-- I like the immediacy and I like the unedited quality and often when you're doing a blog you're more-- you can-- you're spontaneous and-- then you would be in your sort of measured reviewerly prose so I actually think it's refreshing.


Recorded: 4/22/08




