Gretchen Rubin
Author, "The Happiness Project"
Gretchen Rubin is the author of many books, including the block-buster New York Times bestsellers The Four Tendencies, Better Than Before, and The Happiness Project. She also has a top-ranked, award-winning podcast, Happier with Gretchen Rubin, and a popular blog, She lives in New York City with her husband and two daughters.

One way to limit clutter is by being mindful of your spending.
4 min
Here’s how to set clear expectations about household management.
4 min
It’s almost time for spring cleaning.
5 min
It feels crazy good when someone is excited to see you. Give that gift to your family every day – but especially on Valentine’s day.
1 min
Habits play a major role in determining our levels of happiness, explains best-selling author Gretchen Rubin.
4 min
There are 21 strategies for changing habits, says author Gretchen Rubin. The most fun is one that incorporates the usage of treats.
2 min
Bestselling author Gretchen Rubin explains that habits are “like the invisible architecture of everyday life,” a topic she explores in her new book Better Than Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives.
4 min
At some point in her sophisticated, adult life, the “Happiness Project” author had to break down and confess her undying love of “Anne of Green Gables.”
2 min
Some people stay cheerful no matter what. Other people want to strangle those people. But optimists work hard on their attitude, says Gretchen Rubin—and the rest of us should take […]
3 min
Whenever we get something we want, we seem to want something else. How can we escape the loop and learn to be content?
2 min
“Happiness” is a mythical destination that remains permanently out of reach. So why not just improve your life one step at a time?
2 min
The “Happiness Project” author on the difference between book writing and blogging, and whether interacting with Internet commenters brightens or darkens her day.
2 min
The “Happiness Project” author describes two frequent mistakes people make in setting goals for themselves.
2 min
Happiness begins with concrete, manageable steps. But it must take on a more transcendent aspect as well.
5 min
For one year, Gretchen Rubin tested the wisdom of some of history’s leading experts on happiness, including Aristotle and John Stuart Mill. Did their advice hold up?
3 min
A conversation with the author of “The Happiness Project.”
20 min