The thrills and horrors of strange heavenly bodies condensed into one attractive snapshot.
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An almost 40-year-old theory finally has ‘smoking gun’ evidence for it. During most of their lives, stars burn stably, changing imperceptibly. The rotten egg nebula, at lower right (and shown in […]
We should all pause to appreciate the awe-inspiring beauty of the Universe.
Some constants, like the speed of light, exist with no underlying explanation. How many “fundamental constants” does our Universe require?
Ari Loeb, who suggested in 2018 that the mysterious object was an alien craft, is back to discuss the evidence.
Gravitation, all on its own, can reveal what’s present in the cosmos like nothing else.
Is science absolute? Its truths and discoveries guide us toward the nature of reality, but we must always remain open-minded to revisions.
In 1990, we only knew of the planets in our own Solar System. Today, the exoplanet count is more than 5000. Here’s what we’ve learned.
The Sun, as its never been seen before.
Compared to Earth, Mars is small, cold, dry, and lifeless. But 3.4 billion years ago, a killer asteroid caused a Martian megatsunami.
A study says nature’s candy can be a valuable supplement to sunblock.
Japan just opened to tourists for the first time since the coronavirus pandemic began, echoing the island country’s isolationist policies during the feudal era.
Antioxidant vitamins don’t stress us like plants do—and don’t have their beneficial effect.
What we’ve seen isn’t necessarily what we get, but the most common world doesn’t look like ours. There’s a very common myth out there in astronomy: the idea that the Sun […]
Science can teach us so much about our planet, but something more must compel us to take care of it. If you want to understand our planet, the best way to […]
The image you’re seeing isn’t a hole in the Universe, and the cosmic voids that do exist aren’t hole-like at all.
How drugs, demons, and the search for immortality gave us words we use everyday.
All life forms, anywhere in our Universe, are chemically connected yet completely unique.
It doesn’t propagate at infinite speeds, and that’s a problem for Newton. When you look at the Sun, the light you’re seeing isn’t the light that’s being emitted right now. Instead, […]
Two types of leaves for two different drastic weather conditions.
Professional astronomy images are the gold standard. But this Large Magellanic Cloud composite is the amateur community’s best image ever.
Measurements of the acceleration of the universe don’t agree, stumping physicists working to understand the cosmic past and future. A new proposal seeks to better align these estimates — and is likely testable.
Developing an awareness of and an appreciation for science is what we all truly need, not what we’ve been doing.
The smallest and faintest stars of all, even the failed stars that didn’t make it, are hiding some fascinating secrets. You might have thought that if we were going to […]
The German-American cartoonist introduced the idea that Santa Claus traveled with a sleigh and reindeer.
Enough mass in one location will always create a black hole. But not all masses are possible. If you take enough mass and compress it into a small enough volume […]
Shooting star or piece of space dust?
Get the answer from two physicists who study black holes (albeit from a safe distance).
A large-scale study from King’s College London explores the link between genetics and sun-seeking behaviors.
Earth is not a benign mother. We have begun to witness what happens when it unleashes its fury.