The answer to the age-old philosophical question of whether there is meaning in the Universe may ultimately rest upon the power of information.
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Welcome to The Nightcrawler — a weekly newsletter from Eric Markowitz covering tech, innovation, and long-term thinking.
The observation that everything we know is made out of matter and not antimatter is one of nature’s greatest puzzles. Will we ever solve it?
It’s deceptively tricky to distinguish living systems from non-living systems. Physics may be key to solving the problem.
The zero-point energy of empty space is not zero. Even with all the physics we know, we have no idea how to calculate what it ought to be.
The relationship between these two ways of thinking about the world deserves deeper exploration.
At a fundamental level, nobody knows whether gravity is truly quantum in nature. A novel experiment strongly hints that it is.
No matter what physical system we consider, nature always obeys the same fundamental laws. Must it be this way, and if so, why?
Holograms preserve all of an object’s 3D information, but on a 2D surface. Could the holographic Universe idea lead us to higher dimensions?
When you bring two fingers together, you can feel them “touch” each other. But are your atoms really touching, and if so, how?
There are many things that separate science from ideology, politics, philosophy, or religion. Follow these 10 commandments to get it right.
American students are being compelled to specialize earlier and earlier. Here’s what it takes to build a successful physics foundation.
“To take this in, you need to ride inside the mathematical symbols.”
Traveling back in time is a staple of science fiction movies. But according to Einstein, it’s a physical possibility that’s truly allowed.
2023’s Nobel Prize was awarded for studying physics on tiny, attosecond-level timescales. Too bad that particle physics happens even faster.
The evidence that the Universe is expanding is overwhelming. But how? By stretching the existing space, or by creating new space itself?
Is gravity weaker over distances of billions of light-years?
The difference between predictions and observations of the magnetic properties of muons suggests a mystery for the Standard Model.
Drop sodium in water, and a violent, even explosive reaction will occur. But quantum physics is needed to explain why.
Without wormholes, warp drive, or some type of new matter, energy, or physics, everyone is limited by the speed of light. Or are they?
Recent claims put LK-99 as the first room temperature, ambient pressure superconductor ever. Has the game changed, or is it merely hype?
Perhaps the most remarkable fact about the Universe is simply that it, and everything in it, exists. But what’s the reason why?
Einstein called his idea “abominable,” but the world of physics came around to embracing the views of Georges Lemaître.
Could we finally detect the elusive Unruh effect?
There is nothing more important to science than its ability to prove ideas wrong.
We thought the Big Bang started it all. Then we realized that something else came before, and it erased everything that existed prior.
A new hypothesis accuses the simple sugar of wrecking energy metabolism.
“A person’s mass is made not of ‘stuff’ in the way we normally think about it, but rather our mass is made of energy.”
The combination of charge conjugation, parity, and time-reversal symmetry is known as CPT. And it must never be broken. Ever.