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Rampant corruption causes headaches for China’s new leadership “They are notorious for deceiving wherever they can. […] Their frauds are most astutely and craftily performed, so that Europeans have to […]
When the Western powers colonized Asia, naturally they enforced their own views on sex, gender, and relationships onto the subjugated civilizations. This is from a chapter on ‘Gender’ taken from […]
The problem with speculative fiction is what might be called “the tour of the garbage disposal plant,” in which somone says to the visiting character, “Well in your day, you did this terribly inefficient thing, but now we have this wonderful garbage disposal plant.”  
Why are all the radicals on the right today? My argument is that we have two problems in Washington: One is hyperpartisanship, as a Washington Post article details. Because of […]
“Paranoia’s the garlic in life’s kitchen,” remarks the central character, Maxine Tarnow, of Thomas Pynchon’s latest novel, Bleeding Edge. “You can never have too much.” Pynchon seasons his latest epic […]
Constrains, willingness to fail, willingness to take big risks and rapid iteration are absolutely fundamental to innovation. 
“And so is the type of great men that shaped European history a very particular figure: half warrior, half statesman…” –Richard Wilhelm, 1922. MOST scholars believe themselves to be a […]
The government itself may have lost $300 million for every day that Congress dithered. These statistics certainly sound depressing, but their importance can be hard to grasp without some concrete points of reference.
Tory Johnson: While there are plenty of slackers among the unemployed, the vast majority of out-of-work people I know are very eager to find a job.
ONE of my childhood buddies died unexpectedly at the age of eighteen. That was many years ago, in Hamm, Germany. While alive, he was a known brawler, a brutish drunk, […]
William Sahlman: If you view all problems as opportunities, and then you think about ways to re-engineer a process, then I think you find opportunity is absolutely everywhere.
Some people say, “I went white water rafting in Canada and I felt alive” or “I went to Thailand and I felt alive.”  Proust’s lesson is, “I lay in bed, and by looking at things properly, I felt properly alive.”