Working at Big Think, we’re often asked, what’s it like to interview Dr. Michio Kaku? The Big Think expert and author of The Future of the Mind is a rock […]
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Michio Kaku on why Hollywood needs to make better aliens.
4 min
Are champions born or are they made? Science still cannot settle that debate. But one thing is clear: Certain brain injuries can produce super geniuses. This is not an invitation […]
Michio Kaku on the evolution of intelligence.
6 min
Here at Big Think, we’re big fans of believing in the existence of parallel universes. Our resident expert Dr. Michio Kaku even explains how to escape into one. But what’s […]
“The interpretation of dreams is the royal road to a knowledge of the unconscious activities of the mind,” wrote Sigmund Freud. Dreams are often most profound, he also said, when […]
One of the biggest problems with sending humans into space is that they’re needy. Their frail bodies have a hard time living in zero gravity and require years of training […]
Today is a historical day in science. One day you may be asked: Where were you when you learned of the Big Bang’s smoking gun? To understand the science of […]
Happy April Fool’s Day! We here at Big Think celebrated by releasing this exclusive footage of Dr. Michio Kaku contemplating the universe. Google, which always seems to enjoy being festive, […]
It’s mathematically possible for your consciousness to exist without your body.
Introducing Big Think @ GESF. Today, we’re releasing the first set of interviews consisting of answers to questions that you, our audience, sent us over Twitter and Facebook.
What researchers are calling “cosmology’s missing link” has been detected, providing a “smoking gun” for the Big Bang Theory. Discovery reports: For the first time, scientists have found direct evidence […]
Michio Kaku: In the entire universe the two greatest scientific mysteries are first of all the origin of the universe itself. And second of all the origin of intelligence. Believe […]
Over 270 robotics researchers have signed on to a proposed ban on weapons systems that can fire “without a human in the loop.”
A brain-to-brain interface between a human and a rat enables a human to control the rat’s tail simply by thinking.
The stem cell scientist Sir Ian Wilmut who cloned Dolly the sheep in 1996 has outlined how to resurrect a woolly mammoth by using cells from frozen carcasses.
The Universe is in a runaway mode, but here is the catch: we don’t know how long that runaway mode is going to last.
Higgs is Confirmed After a Higgs-like particle was detected last summer by CERN scientists, that particle has now been confirmed to be the real deal. Read more here. Sex in […]
What do you get when you add the total matter of the universe to the total energy of the universe? Zero. “So it takes no energy to create a universe,” Dr. Kaku points out. “A universe is a free lunch.”
1. Living on the Edge: 2,000 Black Holes At the center of the Milky Way galaxy there is a supermassive black hole that everything else has formed around. But it’s […]
Michio Kaku says that God could be a mathematician: “The mind of God we believe is cosmic music, the music of strings resonating through 11 dimensional hyperspace. That is the […]
6 min
Dr. Kaku says we might imagine God as we know him to be a mathematician: “The mind of God we believe is cosmic music, the music of strings resonating through 11 dimensional hyperspace. That is the mind of God.”
Every week, Dr. Michio Kaku will be answering reader questions about physics and futuristic science. If you have a question for Dr. Kaku, just post it in the comments section […]
Throughout human history people have tried to create utopia, the perfect society. These dreams have not been realized because we have scarcity. However, now we have nanotechnology, and with nanotechnology, […]
6 min
Every week, Dr. Michio Kaku will be answering reader questions about physics and futuristic science. If you have a question for Dr. Kaku, just post it in the comments section […]
Every week, Dr. Michio Kaku will be answering reader questions about physics and futuristic science. If you have a question for Dr. Kaku, just post it in the comments section […]
We are taking Big Think as you know it today and opening our doors to go deeper and wider. We will continue to focus on big ideas, and then, help you put the ideas into practice.
The Science Channel will re-run all five seasons of the sci-fi cult drama Fringe beginning tonight at 8pm. The two-hour pilot will air along with the first episode, followed by daylong […]
Michio Kaku says this brain-to-brain communication would involve not just the exchange of information, but also the transmission of emotions and feelings, “because these are also part of the fabric […]
4 min