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A giant squid haunts the depths of Earth’s sky. NASA explains: A mysterious, squid-like apparition, this nebula is very faint, but also very large in planet Earth’s sky. In the […]
The center of elliptical galaxy Centaurus A is obscured by dramatic thick lanes of dust. What caused their unusual appearance? NASA explains: These dust lanes are so thick they almost […]
What’s powering the jets of material blasting into this galaxy’s disk? NASA explains: The spiral arms of bright, active galaxy M106 sprawl through this remarkable multiwavelength portrait, composed of image […]
Facing several controversies involving scientific complexity, the European government created a Chief Science Adviser to provide independent objective expertise and input into policy making. when some groups didn’t like what the science said about genetically modified food, they objected to the whole idea of independent science advice to government. The EU government has caved to public pressure and abandoned the Chief Science Adviser function. We should ALL be scared by a move away from evidence-based policy making, toward a solely values-based approach.
NASA today released this image of Gliese 832c, the closest potentially habitable exoplanet.  From NASA: This planet is only 16 light years away — could it harbor life? Recently discovered […]
How Worlds Thought in the 1960s to be Circling Barnard’s Star Turned out to be Illusions. Image via: In this golden age of exoplanet discovery, it is hard to […]
Near the constellation Coma Berenices, some 63 million light-years away, is NGC 4651, a spiral galaxy about the size of our Milky Way. Extending 100 thousand light-years past its galactic […]