These tracks, captured by NASA’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, are thought to have been created from sliding dry ice on the Red Planet’s Russell Crater.
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Modern technology has done nothing to make humans more humble. Quite the contrary. So secure are we in our confidence of our superiority to ancient cultures that discoveries like the […]
A first-of-its-kind study warns that just one massive greenhouse gas emission could be enough to devastate the global economy.
“This is a game changer!” says Jim Stinner, the vice president of marketing for Rust-Oleum, the company which manufactures and distributes NeverWet – a spray-on coating that repels water, mud, […]
It takes a fair amount to get my blood boiling at 5:21 a.m., but an NPR Morning Edition interview with a new savior of investigative journalism, eBay founder Pierre Omidyar, […]
Scientists are growing more confident that Jupiter’s moon could harbor life. The problem: Getting through its thick ice crust to the watery ocean beneath.
When people use plastic to pay for food, they make more impulse-based purchases, like ice cream, donuts and chips, compared to those who pay with cash, as I wrote here […]
Don’t worry. Be happy. Live in the present. The philosopher Rousseau said that was the natural condition of man, before he was screwed up by self-consciousness, time, awareness of death, […]
We are sitting on “an economic time bomb.”
Stress at critical periods of development can be bad for the developing brain.
The tens of thousands of turbines generating power around the world on land and, increasingly, at sea, represent a stunning reversal of fortune for an industry that fifty years ago was virtually non-existent.
First detected last month by the South Pole IceCube neutrino observatory, the discovery is expected to open the door to an entirely new way of looking at the universe.
No matter what industry you’re in, your company can’t survive without technology. From smart phones and tablets to mobile apps and cloud-based technology, there’s a plethora of technological advancements to […]
Now that Russian scientists claim to have retrieved a vial of blood from a thawing wooly mammoth carcass from the permafrost of Siberia, the scientific community has been buzzing with speculation […]
I always like to drink something that hydrates me at the same time because I usually forget to drink water.
As we move toward a more cashless society, the dangers of credit transactions are becoming more apparent as those vulnerable to abusing credit also increase in number.
A paper published Thursday describes the use of carbon dating to determine the precise age of plants uncovered beneath a retreating Peruvian ice sheet at different points in time. The results demonstrate the speed at which the sheet is disappearing.
So you might think I’m excessively anti-technological. That’s not true at all. I do think that liberal education should be a counterweight to all our technological obsessions. That means its […]
No bodies of water exist on Mars. But they used to, thousands or perhaps millions of years ago, as this photo attests.
It’s the collaboration between the DNA from all your ancestors that keeps you alive.
Not too long ago I found myself in a red—a very deep red—state, for a research trip. It’s the sort of place where they feel compelled to post on the […]
To kids and adults who fear injections, Buzzy looks like a plastic toy. However, when applied to the skin, its vibrating motor and ice pack block the pain of the needle.
Well, don’t get excited. I know it really wasn’t a miracle. But the strangely persistent summer rain that took out all the other July 4th activities in this part of the […]
People have hang-ups and blind spots and phobias and just sometimes they have a principled refusal to take something seriously.
The foul distinction belongs to ancient cousins of ours: cyanobacteria.
Ganymede and Europa have many of the conditions that could support life as we know it. We’ll find out if and when an internationally-sponsored probe — Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer, or JUICE — gets there in 2030.
Information is what we love, information is what we live by and it’s always been that way.
No matter what industry you’re in, chances are you have a few products or services in your line that are commodities. From food and beverage items to household products to […]
According to a new study published in this week’s Nature, icy particles inside the rings erode into the upper atmosphere and eventually form rain water that falls on parts of the planet.
You know those nature documentaries, the ones where hungry polar bears risk their lives attacking dangerous walruses, or starving lions put their lives on the line attacking fierce horned cape […]