The cognitive scientist argues the current AI environment is failing us as consumers and a society. But it’s not too late to change course.
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Whenever someone waxes poetic about terraforming alien worlds, it’s worth taking a moment to consider the ethical implications of the proposal.
How we organize all our digital stuff — from work research to side hustles to family photos — is key to our productivity.
A-list lessons for better work-life collaboration — direct from the movie set.
If you have an old TV set with the “rabbit ear” antennae, and you set it to channel 03, that snowy static can reveal the Big Bang itself.
Besides offering an incredibly cool way to get stuff into space, SpinLaunch promises to reduce the cost of a launch by 20-fold.
As the first Friedmann equation celebrates its 99th anniversary, it remains the one equation to describe our entire universe.
Fire-retardant gels and slimes combine the best attributes of water and foam.
If you want to achieve new goals, harness your brain’s ability to change chemically, structurally, and functionally.
It’s the origin of our entire observable Universe, but it’s still not the very beginning of everything.
For years and over three separate experiments, “lepton universality” appeared to violate the Standard Model. LHCb at last proved otherwise.
“You gotta know when to fold ’em.”
How do physicists solve a problem like entropy?
Not all stress is created equal.
The human brain makes a striking deviation from the normal building plan.
Back in the 1930s, Fritz Zwicky postulated the existence of dark matter. No one took it seriously until Vera Rubin’s work: 40 years later.
When leaders connect enterprise ambition with the driving spirit of activism, everyone wins.
Perhaps we should be searching for “other Mercurys” rather than “other Earths.”
Cody Delistraty explores if laughter can help alleviate the physical symptoms of grief.
Is the Universe finite or infinite? Does it go on forever or loop back on itself? Here’s what would happen if you traveled forever.
Is the multiverse real? It’s one of the hottest questions in all of theoretical physics. We invited two astrophysicists to join the debate.
Growing evidence suggests a link between the debilitating neurological illness and the microbes that live in our intestines. The vagus nerve may be a pathway.
The amygdala can hijack your brain’s response if it recognizes past trauma in a current situation. To regain control, simply press pause.
Geopolitics is not a magic 8-ball. But making financial decisions — such as those regarding retirement — in a multipolar world without geopolitics is akin to flying blind in a storm.
Leading a scientific revolution is easy: you just have to succeed where the current theory fails while equaling its successes. Good luck!
The knobby starfish skeleton has diamond-like properties and could inspire new designs for lightweight, highly resilient ceramics, with widespread applications in engineering and construction.
It could evolve, strengthen, decay, or not be alone. Our known Universe contains matter, radiation, and dark energy. While matter (both normal and dark) and radiation become less dense as […]
It’s the paradoxical observation that the more we try to process, the less we actually can.
A new method of extracting rare-earth elements could put us on the track toward a circular economy.