I was 19, a college sophomore. It was Spring, 1970, and the anti-Vietnam movement was bringing the progressive 60s to a crescendo. Four college students had been shot to […]
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You searched for: energy
The brilliant Albert Einstein didn’t believe in this realm, and yet he won a Nobel Prize for playing in it.
The announcement of a prize challenge for renewable energy machine development is a small but shining carrot for the industry. Meanwhile, residents on Scotland’s Orkney Islands are leading the way in energy self-sufficiency.
Days before climate negotiations resume in Qatar, the organization’s Environment Program has released a report claiming that governments aren’t doing nearly enough to fight global warming.
Unique architecture may play a role in Einstein’s creativity and ability to solve complex problems in physics.
Friends, a new world is waiting for all of us. It is a world without want, where every need is satisfied by boundless resources. It is a world of friendship, […]
Perfect beauty, HD photography, 3D printing, Elective Bionic Surgery, biohackers, and no religion are all trends to watch for 2013.
The travel site has released Neighborhoods, a search feature that gives tourists details on specific areas in the cities they’re visiting.
To fulfill the need for labor in its growing oil industry, the country is actively searching for workers from English-speaking countries, putting special focus on the US.
Finally, we now have a viable proof-of-concept for the vertical farm idea that has excited environmentalists for more than a decade. Last week, Singapore opened the world’s first-ever commercial-scale vertical farm, […]
Engineers and scientists have struggled for years to figure out how to turn waste products into significant quantities of fuel. Two companies say they’re closer than ever before to solving this problem.
Old school public education reformers put citizenship, and habits of social interaction, front and center. Now we see children only as pre-collegiate, proto-capitalist participants in the global economy.
This week, in the final installment of a 3-part series, we look to five trends that will shape the Future.
While health concerns have been expressed over the effects of energy drinks on blood pressure, caffeine and taurine may actually improve how certain parts of the heart function.
Question: Which contest is the nec plus ultra for puzzle fans and quiz aficionados everywhere? Answer: The MIT Mystery Hunt (MMH), which kicks off every year on the Friday before […]
A company has completed a prototype of a robot designed specifically to look for lunar ice, a potentially rich source of water and other materials for use during other lunar expeditions.
Amazon, known for selling everything from books to car parts, is venturing into the “green” sector with its website Vine.com
A lingering problem with renewable energy is that it is not a consistent producer. But a new battery can store energy for later use, making renewables more cost-effective for business.
Every week, Dr. Michio Kaku will be answering reader questions about physics and futuristic science. If you have a question for Dr. Kaku, just post it in the comments section […]
The amount of wind available on Earth and in the upper atmosphere could create 20 to 100 times the power our population needs, according to a new study.
Humans are blessed, and cursed, with a risk perception system that mostly gets things right, but sometimes creates what I call a Risk Perception Gap, when we worry more […]
If you live in an American city, chances are this past summer and fall you have experienced the health effects of climate change. As Richard Harris reported at NPR News in September, […]
Sometime in the early 1930s, Henri Matisse hired a photographer to document his paintings at different stages of development. These photographs became signposts along the road toward what Matisse wanted […]
Losing just a couple nights’ sleep is enough to cause hormonal imbalances in the body. The result is that we feel more stress and less satiated by the quantity of food we eat.
Over the past couple of years, my thinking has been greatly influenced by the “Prophets of Progress”—people like Stephen Pinker, Matt Ridley, Stephen Johnson, Hans Rosling, and Peter Diamandis to […]
Born from the theory of an MIT physicist, Berkeley scientists have come up with a way to build an eternal clock that, they say, would survive the inevitable “heat death” of the universe.
A higher percentage of Americans believed in the British crown in 1776 than the percentage of Americans who trust Congress today. Larry Lessig has an idea to change all of that.
The football helmet was designed to protect players against harm (by skull fractures), but the new behavior created a new threat (of concussions and other brain injuries).
A new method for extracting energy from solar panels will allow expensive silicon semiconductors to be replaced by much cheaper metals, making the energy source more cost effective.
A new type of low-cost, high-energy cell could make solar power much more affordable and widespread.