Every element found on Earth was made in either the Big Bang or the cores of stars… except these three. “We cannot conceive of matter being formed of nothing, since things […]
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Ultimately, your lifetime is a sum of actions, experiences and how you spent your time. How would you wish to be remembered?
It isn’t feasible to think that the potential tripling or even quadrupling of energy demand in the coming years can be met with renewable energy sources.
Just as poet William Blake asks us “To see a world in a grain of sand” in his poem “Auguries of Innocence,” painter Paul Cézanne asks us to see the […]
When eBay revolutionized the way that buyers and sellers interact in the virtual marketplace through automated bidding auctions, it forever changed the way business was conducted online. During the Industrial […]
It rose up out of the sea, a fearsome roaring monster unlike anything humans had ever seen, horrible, primeval, unstoppable, towering, breathing radioactive fire and leaving total destruction in […]
“According to one recent estimate,” writes Robert de Neufville on Anthropocene, “the Earth could—theoretically at least—produce food for more than 280 billion people.”
“Competition creates efficiency,” is preached as if it were a law of nature. But nature itself teaches a different lesson.
Hydrogen was the first element ever created, but there’s less of it now than there ever was. “If the human condition were the periodic table, maybe love would be hydrogen at […]
“Oh! what a tangled web we weave,” Sir Walter Scott wrote in his 1808 epic poem Marmion, “When first we practice to deceive!” But what a pretty web it might […]
Science and poetry both depend on metaphor. Science typically uses at least two. The first is usually Pythagoras’s astonishingly fruitful, but also limiting, “all things are numbers.” The second shapes […]
A million-year natural process takes minutes in the lab.
Butterfinger bars and Reese’s Pieces nicely straddle the middle of the continuum, as does the airy, malty, chocolaty, rift-healing Three Musketeers.
The only thing possibly worse than facing a creative blank is facing a creative overload—to find yourself drowning in a sea of influences with no guiding life preserver in sight. […]
After a trip to Italy in February 1917, Pablo Ruiz y Picasso decided to go back to basics in his art. Like so many other artists and pretty much the […]
A team of researchers has measured the current size of “baryon acoustic oscillations” (BAOs) from the early universe in order to determine the distances to galaxies more than 6 billion light-years away to within 1 percent accuracy.
2.5 billion people in the world don’t have access to improved sanitation.
California’s program is still young and isn’t the world’s first emission trading program, but here are the top four reasons we’re celebrating – and why the global community should, too.
If we knew all we do about math and physics, but had never seen the heavens, what would we conclude? “Both the solutions must be rejected, and as these are […]
Do black holes exist? The world’s most famous scientist vs. the actual science. “My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the Universe, why it is as it is […]
The teachings of the Buddha dissect existence into fundamental elements. Contrary to René Descartes, this dhamma is not pure bricks and mortar, or pure materialism; it describes the make-up of all reality in a holistic, all-encompassing way.
We normally think of the Big Bang as the very beginning of our Universe, but we now know the story goes back even before it. Here’s how. “The aim of science […]
The secret to cultivating internal energy is to relax the nervous and muscuskeletal system simultaneously. Chi animates the body and makes it alive.
Oil is not properly priced from anyone’s standpoint. Coal is not an acceptable answer. Where does that leave us?
Rather than the six or seven you may have learned, your eye is capable of delineating a tremendous number more. But just how many, and what’s the explanation? “The colors […]
Jen Sky is a very pretty woman. She’s a former Maxim covergirl, and starred on the Sci-Fi drama Cleopatra 2525. She’s also a very smart woman, who is dedicating her […]
If you are in the business of trying to convince a majority of Americans, you know, 60 votes in the Senate, for example, to try to do the right thing, you probably ought to be appealing to self-interest here, not self-sacrifice.
Is the largest object in our galaxy — our central black hole — poised to devour a massive gas cloud? “What makes us love… is when we learn all these fantastic stories. Feeding the imagination […]
What every middle-to-high schooler should know. Image credit: Bayside STEM academy, via Stanford at https://ed.stanford.edu/news/new-design-thinking-curriculum-targets-middle-school-students. “Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time […]
Ethan Nadelmann describes the War on Drugs as a prime example of the risk perception gap becoming a risk in and of itself.