Smoke taint from wildfires is gross, even to wine amateurs.
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You searched for: big-think-edge-2
The divers spend their waking hours either under hundreds of feet of water on the ocean floor or squeezed into an area the size of a restaurant booth.
Cross-disciplinary cooperation is needed to save civilization.
Already 14 billion miles from the Sun, Voyager 1 is speeding away at 38,000 mph.
Their goal is a digital model of the Earth that depicts climate change in all of its complexity.
If we were born trillions of years in the future, could we even figure out our cosmic history?
If you want to find life in the Universe, this is how you do it. When it comes to uncovering the ultimate truths about reality, we can only reap what we […]
Once science operations begin for James Webb, we’ll never look at the Universe the same way again. Here’s what everyone should know.
A new agricultural revolution could forever change the planet.
The more you like, follow and share, the faster you find yourself moving in that political direction.
Science was never the same after meeting ‘the particle who lived.’ Back in the early 1930s, there were only a few known fundamental particles that made up the Universe. If you […]
Americans lose an estimated 321 million work days every year due to anxiety and depression.
It’s not a gambit. It’s not fraud. It’s not an opinion. And it’s not biased like you think it is. Most of us, when we think about what science is, default […]
The definitive answer requires better, unbiased data. Despite all the advances that have occurred in human history, one extraordinary puzzle still remains right in our own backyard: we aren’t sure how […]
Not long after the COVID-19 pandemic caused colleges to start teaching remotely, students balked at the idea of paying full tuition for online learning. It’s not hard to understand why. […]
They’re not just a theoretical prediction of quantum gravity. They should be detectable, too. The Universe, if you look at it closely and carefully enough, is fundamentally quantum in nature. […]
There are three answers depending on what you consider the “edge,” but only two of them are known. If you were to go as far out into space as you can […]
The theoretical reasons to expect it are compelling, but the technology required to detect it is unfathomable. All throughout our galaxy, millions of black holes of a variety of masses […]
Gyms and fitness centers are closed, but your living room is always open.
For over 50 years, it’s been the scientifically accepted theory describing the origin of the Universe. It’s time we all learned its truths. The Universe we know today, filled with stars […]
A new paper suggests a primordial black hole may be making things weird at the edge of our solar system.
Every day, humanity generates 2.5 quintillion bytes of data. Every minute, users are sharing nearly 500,000 tweets, watching more than 4 million YouTube videos, and conducting more than 3.6 million […]
Colonizing the Red Planet isn’t a bad idea in theory. But . . .
Future-minded companies are investing in soft skills and digital learning to empower their talent.
It’s the largest, most massive planet in the Solar System. But what’s the real story behind all the impacts on Jupiter? One of the most terrifying prospects here on Earth is […]
Two of our biggest science-fiction dreams might not remain fiction for much longer. Here’s how 21st-century science could make it real. For as long as human beings have looked up at […]
It’s much more complex a question than dividing its mass by the volume of the event horizon. If you want to get a meaningful answer, you have to go deep. If […]
The Soviet Union’s space program was years ahead of the USA’s. So how did they lose the space race? Here in the United States and all across the world, humanity is […]
Some basic areas we could all use some improvement in.
As more time passes since the Big Bang, more of the Universe comes into view. But how much? Even though it’s been billions of years since the Big Bang, there’s a […]