The surface and atmosphere is colored by ferric oxides. Beneath a very thin layer, mere millimeters deep in places, it’s not red anymore.
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You searched for: Structure
Using the Book of Mormon as a sacred but ambiguous atlas, the Latter-day Saints have been looking for the lost city of Zarahemla for decades.
Alzheimer’s disease is frightening, but the right combination of lifestyle choices can reduce your risk.
Researchers discover a massive ceremonial structure of the ancient Mayans using lasers.
Is a proton fundamentally more ‘quarky’ or ‘gluey’ in nature? One question that every curious child winds up asking at some point or other is, “what are things made of?” Every […]
The gaze of another person can make us conceive of our body as an object.
There may be thousands of undiscovered mammal species in the world. Most are small, like bats and rodents, but there could be primates, too. A lifeline for Bigfoot enthusiasts?
In determining what qualifies as solid science, controversy is inevitable.
Often called modern-day dinosaurs, cassowaries are one of only a few birds known to have killed humans.
A new study looks at what happens when you get infected with two viruses at the same time.
Map shows oldest buildings for each U.S. state – but also hints at what’s missing.
Religion fosters traits that are helpful in a school system that relies on authority figures and rewards people who follow the rules.
Everything else in the universe is either a particle or field. Dark energy behaves as neither, and it may be a property inherent to space itself.
The book “The Genesis Machine” outlines the promise and peril of synthetic biology, a powerful tool that will allow us to program life like a computer.
The modern antiracist movement is harming the very people it claims to help, according to the linguist John McWhorter.
Ultrasound might be able to damage the novel coronavirus in the same way an opera singer’s voice can shatter a wine glass.
The James Webb Space Telescope viewed Neptune, our Solar System’s final planet, for the first time. Here’s what we saw, and what it means.
A new study found similarities between the human brain and the cosmic network of galaxies.
Many galaxies really are ultra-distant, but some are just intrinsically red or dusty. Only with spectroscopy can JWST tell which is which.
Recent geopolitical turning points, like Brexit and the 2016 U.S. presidential election, were chapters in a story that extends decades back in world history.
The Google-owned company developed a system that can reliably predict the 3D shapes of proteins.
Today, we could use Big Data to radically reform democracy. Tomorrow, we could build nanofabricators and usher in an era of abundance. Is society ready?
The neoliberal call for more ‘choice’, seems hard to resist.
Dark matter was thought to be cold and collisionless. But maybe that’s not the full story. If you look out at the Universe and measure all the matter out there, including […]
The most momentous and significant events in our lives are the ones we do not see coming. Life is defined by the unforeseen.
Humans are more likely to have “first contact” with an advanced alien civilization, according to a recent NASA-funded paper.
The study found that people who spoke the same language tended to be more closely related despite living far apart.
Many atheists think of themselves as intellectually gifted individuals, guiding humanity on the path of reason. Scientific data shows otherwise.
The death of God didn’t strike Nietzsche as an entirely good thing. Without a God, the basic belief system of Western Europe was in jeopardy.
Are space and time real like atoms are, or is spacetime just a calculational tool? When most of us think about the Universe, we think about the material objects that […]