The Universe is 13.8 billion years old, going back to the hot Big Bang. But was that truly the beginning, and is that truly its age?
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As the saying goes: “Pain is inevitable. Suffering is optional”.
Both made monumental contributions that were far ahead of their time. It’s hard to believe, but the idea that the Universe was dominated not by normal matter but rather by dark […]
Can we ever make energy efficient AI?
Pythagoras may have believed that the entire cosmos was constructed out of right triangles.
Proponents of transhumanism make big promises, such as a future in which we upload our minds into a supercomputer. But there is a fatal flaw in this argument: reductionism.
From the earliest stages of the hot Big Bang (and even before) to our dark energy-dominated present, how and when did the Universe grow up?
Guided by ultrasound waves, swarms of microrobots could soon be used to deliver medicine to targeted sites in the body.
Billions of years ago, the ever-increasing entropy must’ve been much lower: the past hypothesis. Here’s how cosmic inflation solves it.
On-demand learning has become the cornerstone of a modern L&D strategy. Here’s why.
Linguistic laws are remarkably versatile and have applications in ecology, microbiology, epidemiology, demographics, and geography.
Scientists find routes using arches of chaos that can lead to much faster space travel.
In 1974, Stephen Hawking showed that even black holes don’t live forever, but emit radiation and eventually evaporate. Here’s how.
Scientific pluralism is the notion that some questions must be approached from many angles. How can we integrate these scientific models?
New research suggests they may be in the connections between your brain cells.
75 years after Erwin Schrödinger’s prescient description of something like DNA, we still don’t know the “laws of life.”
Scientists put the most mysterious force in the Universe to the ultimate test. When it comes to the Universe, it’s easy to make the incorrect assumption that what we see is […]
The microscopic tardigrades are an elusive species. Fossils are rare, but each new find adds a piece to their unsolved evolutionary puzzle.
Revolutionary techniques for understanding brain functions in animals could soon help us understand how emotions guide our lives.
“Superjobs” – roles that integrate human and machine skills – will require careful consideration.
Icebergs aren’t just a threat to unsinkable ships. Their ability to cause underwater landslides poses a danger to coastal cities.
These animals to grow scalpel-sharp and precisely shaped tools that are resistant to breaking.
We forget how unnatural a lot of formal education is. “Learning how to learn” requires bridging the gap between the abstract and the natural.
Undiagnosed brain disease or divine inspiration? The origins of the French composer’s most provocative composition remain up for debate.
Holograms preserve all of an object’s 3D information, but on a 2D surface. Could the holographic Universe idea lead us to higher dimensions?
The dream of zero resistance is closer than you may think. One of the biggest physical problems in modern society is resistance. Not political or social resistance, mind you, but electrical […]
Leadership training can have huge dividends, when it’s done right. Here are seven best practices for building a leadership development program that works.
Remote work is here to stay. Here are a few ways to enhance remote training in a post-pandemic future.
Yes, the Big Bang is real, but what about what came before? If you ask anyone about the origin of some phenomenon that we’ve observed, they’ll usually default to the same […]
Empty space itself, the quantum vacuum, could be in either a true, stable state or a false, unstable state. Our fate depends on the answer.