Wealth concentration among elites was common in ancient nations, but the scale on which it took place in Egypt’s 18th Dynasty was unprecedented.
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You searched for: Structure
Bite into a miracle berry and you’ll perceive intense sweetness — but only after you eat something acidic, too.
Charlie Kaufman’s Synecdoche, New York is the kind of film that makes you laugh and cry at the same time.
Why are rapture ideologies exploding?
7 min
The highest earning Myers-Briggs personality type? ENTJ.
The Universe is grand, awe-inspiring, and greater than we likely imagine. Even astrophysicists get anxious thinking about it, but we cope.
Scientists use high resolution microscopy and computer simulations to create first ever video of DNA movements.
An incredible composite image of Pandora’s Cluster, Abell 2744, simultaneously showcases both our impressive knowledge and vast ignorance.
How drugs, demons, and the search for immortality gave us words we use everyday.
I also can’t conjure sounds, smells, or any other kind of sensory stimulation inside my head. This is called “aphantasia.”
There’s never been a better time to implement empathy training.
50% of stars are in Sun-like ‘singlet’ systems. The planetary nebulae we see just don’t line up. Around 7 billion years from now, our Sun’s life will end. As the Sun […]
If you think it’s just three quarks held together by gluons, you’ll want to read this. At a fundamental level, the Universe is composed of indivisible particles. From macroscopic scales down […]
If used improperly, the metaverse could be more divisive than social media and an insidious threat to society and even reality itself.
If it weren’t for the intricate rules of quantum physics, we wouldn’t have formed neutral atoms “only” ~380,000 years after the Big Bang.
Forgetting and misremembering are the building blocks of creativity and imagination.
“The amount of interest is enormous,” says anesthesiologist Boris Heifets. “People are dropping in and coming out of the woodwork, trying to understand how to do this.”
Two types of nanotechnology, metalenses and metamaterials, could soon make Harry Potter’s invisibility cloak a reality.
The most common element in the Universe, vital for forming new stars, is hydrogen. But there’s a finite amount of it; what if we run out?
One hypothesis says that sleep helps “clean” the brain of damaged molecules and toxic proteins.
Professional astronomy images are the gold standard. But this Large Magellanic Cloud composite is the amateur community’s best image ever.
The cause of the recent uptick in radiation is unknown, but speculation about another catastrophe at Chernobyl is hyperbolic.
Cannabidiol (CBD) seems to reduce the unpleasantness of pain, a finding that surprised the researchers behind a new, first-of-its-kind study.
Researchers figure out the function of mysterious heart structures first described by da Vinci.
Three cutting-edge techniques – the gene-editing tool CRISPR, fluorescent proteins and optogenetics – were all inspired by nature.
The Human Genome Project put together 92% of our DNA blueprint. Here’s what it took to complete the rest.
The Universe is 13.8 billion years old, going back to the hot Big Bang. But was that truly the beginning, and is that truly its age?
Rare structures and artifacts of the Viking religion practiced centuries prior to Christianity’s introduction have been uncovered by archaeologists in Norway, including a “god house.”
With change management training, learning and development leaders can help their talent avoid the common pitfalls that stall transformation.
Why does dark matter, if it doesn’t dissipate energy, become gravitationally bound at all? One of the most puzzling components of the Universe has to be dark matter. Although we have […]