Though written for his students, the lessons can be applied by any essay writer.
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You searched for: Structure
Not building one means giving up on brute force. We’re not yet ready to do that. There’s a problem with the field of high-energy physics, and it’s the biggest one imaginable. […]
A new study finds even babies can discern who leads and who bullies.
Carl Sagan—who first coined the term—was tempted to call them “star-tar.”
Behavioral ecology is a real science. But applying it to humans, with our social structures, is highly suspect. Imagine a scientist. Try closing your eyes and really picturing this person: envision […]
The legacy of Felix Dzerzhinsky, who led Soviet secret police in the “Red Terror,” still confounds Russia.
But we shouldn’t give up on direct detection. Here’s why. Dark matter is not only the most abundant form of matter in the Universe, it’s also the most mysterious. Whereas all […]
The Universe is filled with something, as opposed to nothing, and scientists don’t understand it. When we look around at the Universe: at the planets and stars, at the galaxies […]
The National Institutes of Health recently began a $300-million study to examine the effects of screen time on developing brains.
In theory, we could use high-energy lasers to make our own artificial black holes, potentially capturing the enormous energy they emit.
The expanding Universe really is accelerating, and no dusty scenario can explain it. 20 years ago, our understanding of the Universe underwent a revolution. For generations, we had known the Universe […]
The Buddha’s teachings seem to be on point.
MIT researchers have discovered how to turn wasp venom into an antibiotic.
“Our results show why debates about controversial issues often seem so futile,” the researchers said.
When two different techniques give two different results, either someone is wrong, or something incredible is happening. Imagine you were a scientist attempting to measure some property of the Universe. […]
Researchers have just discovered a new type of neuron that may be something unique to humans. It’s called the rose hip neuron, and its in our cerebral cortexes.
Studies from neuroscience highlight how the brain both helps with and prevents collaboration.
New software makes lab work go much faster—and hastens the search for cures.
If we find the earliest signal from the Universe’s birth, how can we be sure we aren’t fooling ourselves? When it comes to the origin of the Universe, the Big […]
Not everyone is satisfied with the Big Bang. But every alternative is a disastrous failure. It’s treated as though it’s an unassailable scientific truth: 13.8 billion years ago, the Universe […]
While nothing is ever certain about the future, here are 10 great achievements you can bet on. Every year, unexpected scientific discoveries challenge what we know. Observations using the Atacama Large […]
The road to harmony often means getting your hands dirty.
The answer has nothing at all to do with the Higgs boson. In this Universe, there are very few fundamental properties that cannot be derived from something simpler. The rules governing […]
Dark matter is one of the most puzzling, unintuitive concepts in all of physics. But we still need it. Our Universe isn’t like us. While we’re made of atoms, and other […]
Cutting edge social innovators should consider hybrid models
It took hundreds of thousands of years to make atoms for the first time. If things were just a little different, it could have taken an eternity. When it comes […]
Evolution doesn’t clean up after itself very well.
Why? Because you have more cells, the researchers say.
A much-needed “causal revolution” has arrived in Judea Pearl’s ‘The Book of Why’. But despite vast improvements over “trad stats”, there’s cause for concern over logic-losing numbers.