“Creativity begins when you cut a zero from your budget…” – Brazilian architect and urban planner Jaime Lerner With all the talk out of Washington this week about reduced federal […]
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You searched for: Structure
Four out of five autism sufferers are male. Is something in men’s genes—or brain structure—causing the gap?
4 min
Four out of five autism sufferers are male. Is something in men’s genes—or brain structure—causing the gap?
4 min
Four out of five autism sufferers are male. Is something in men’s genes—or brain structure—causing the gap?
4 min
Four out of five autism sufferers are male. Is something in men’s genes—or brain structure—causing the gap?
4 min
Four out of five autism sufferers are male. Is something in men’s genes—or brain structure—causing the gap?
4 min
It’s that time of year again. It’s summer time and olderdrivers are in the news. Perennially trapped between humor and horror thedebate on older drivers continues in every state house, […]
When it comes to design and innovation, the overwhelming consensus amongst practitioners is that “simplicity” is better than “complexity.” When Apple designed the iPod, simplicity of design and operation was […]
In the near future, foreign language students will interact online with other students around the globe, creating communities for exchanging language skills.
[cross-posted at the TechLearning blog] nn A collection of thoughts about P-12 professional development, with a (hopefully) whiz-bang ending… n Big idea 1: Most current staff development is awful. n […]
My latest roundup of links and tools… When did the IT staff get promoted above the superintendent? Will Richardson notes: [A] school superintendent I spoke with … lamented the fact […]
Many of our school leaders (principals, superintendents, central office administrators) need help when it comes to digital technologies . A lot of help, to be honest. As I’ve noted again […]
As an untenured professor at a major research university, of necessity I spend a lot of time thinking and talking about ‘writing’ and ‘publication.’ I’ve blogged about some of this […]
But did the map make the Soviet Hobbits more communist than their western counterparts?
As America becomes increasingly diverse, many school districts are experiencing changes in their traditional student populations. When districts have significant increases in the number of students of color and/or students […]
In an earlier post on 21st century curricula, I noted the following quote by Dr. Lauren Resnick, one of our nation’s most eminent cognitive researchers, writing at the time for the […]
Four out of five autism sufferers are male. Are fundamental male-female brain differences causing the gap?
The idea of a ‘space elevator’ has been around since the late 1800s. Until now, there wasn’t a material strong enough to build it. Then carbon nanotubes stepped in.
Yesterday we talked about the kidnapping of Tawakul Karman (the government has wisely decided to release her today), but I didn’t mention the kidnapping of Taha Husayn Ali Muhsin (Ar.), […]
Extending unemployment benefits and the Bush tax cuts are a good first step to rewriting America’s tax code, says Nobel Laureate Gary Becker, who favors a flat consumption tax.
[cross-posted atnLeaderTalk] n In my post for LeaderTalk thisnmonth, I’m going to quickly address three ideas related to video games,nschools, and learning and offer a short wrap-up at the end… […]
I want to thank Scott for asking me to do this and I want to curse him a little for making me go last. This is not an easy crew […]
Civic Enterprises has released its latest study, Raising Their Voices, concerning America’s dropout crisis. What resonated with me the most was the voices of the students in the report. Here […]
Today is the last day of my week-long series related to gaming, cognition, and education. Remember that I am approaching this issue with the following question in mind: Why is […]
Magma wells could prove to be a very powerful new source of energy—up to five times more productive than standard geothermal wells.
A two-part tale of higher education and online instruction… n “Students demand free beer too” n A May 29 article in The Chronicle of Higher Education reads as follows: n […]
A year ago I wrote: n n Many of our school leaders (principals, superintendents, central office administrators) need help when it comes to digital technologies. A lot of help, to […]
[cross-posted at the TechLearning blog] nn I have been reading with great interest the conversations that have been sparked by Kurt Paccio’s post on Internet filtering. As my brain has […]
Hundreds of Army social scientists are unqualified, a former boss says. He also claims some defense contractors charge exorbitant prices for “the lowest common denominator of people.”
The butchered bones of 12 men, women, and children found in a cave floor in Spain may be the remains of an extended Neanderthal family killed and eaten by their fellow Neanderthals.