Human intelligence is richer than logic: It includes “being funny, being sexy, expressing a loving sentiment — maybe in a poem or in a musical piece.”
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You searched for: Structure
Architect Marc Kushner explains how the goals of architecture and design vary between locations and contexts.
3 min
The high-paid consultants who change companies over to “Holacracy” explain from the outset that it takes an average of five years to make the transition.
Your Facebook feed is a virtual echo chamber. It serves the same purpose as Fox News or MSNBC.
After the CMB, before the first stars, there was nothing to see. Or was there? “[I]f there were no light in the universe and therefore no creatures with eyes, we […]
A leftover glow unlike any other — of neutrinos — has finally been seen. “When you see how fragile and delicate life can be, all else fades into the background.” –Jenna Morasca Seventy years […]
Professor Tamar Gendler uses the work of three titans of the discipline — Thomas Hobbes, John Rawls, and Robert Nozick — as a lens to guide us through the taut debate over the role of government in society.
44 min
Researchers suggest you may have dropped your old phone on purpose, just so you could justify getting the latest one.
How do people living in non-democratic states see their government and enact change? Lily Tsai takes us into how Chinese citizens see their government and give themselves a voice.
There were two periods of exponential expansion in the Universe: one today and one long ago. Are they related? “What is wild cannot be bought or sold, borrowed or copied. […]
When plentiful food is scarce, researchers suggest making a shopping list may help low-income families keep physically and financially healthy in areas that could be labeled as food deserts.
Puritanism is not dead yet; the religious assumption of a nuclear family persists. Culturally, we’ve made great gains in same-sex marriage over the past half-decade, yet oddly the roles of women, in workplace pay and as caregivers, have not evolved much. Humans have long confused biology with theology.
The Taliban are undefeated. Should that earn them a state of their own?
Despite popular views, evolution entails inheriting more than genes. And it isn’t all ruthless competition. Nor is it all random mutations. “Niche Construction” adds a third inheritance mechanism to the complicated mix.
The social justice pope spoke out this week on two hot topics. On Tuesday, he held a climate change summit. On Wednesday, he called the gender pay gap a “scandal.”
So there is a Nazi train hidden in a tunnel somewhere in southwest Poland. Or is there?
Mergers, promotions, retirements, acquisitions, firings: there are plenty of reasons why the names and faces above you on the organizational change might change. In each case, find where you fit in the new structure and make sure the new leadership notices.
Just open your eyes, full-screen it, and watch. “Exploring this set I certainly never had the feeling of invention. I never had the feeling that my imagination was rich […]
As the 2014 Ebola outbreak begins to wane in West Africa, experts say the region needs to focus on “immunization, infrastructure and investment” in order to stave off the next public health crisis.
“Life is like riding a bicycle,” wrote the renowned theoretical physicist to his son Eduard. “To keep your balance you must keep moving.”
If you see a picture of a planet, can you identify which of the eight it is? “Don’t go around saying the world owes you a living. The world owes […]
Some people get anxious when they’re without their smartphones, but others may become phobic. Researchers are working on a way to measure this new, modern malady.
Tiny houses have become quite trendy across the web. Design specs and photos have been shared across a number of blogs and social networks, but are these micro-houses becoming the new American Dream?
Mariam Sultana became her country’s first woman with a Ph.D. in astrophysics. This is her story, with an update on where she is now. Mariam Sultana, Pakistan’s very first woman […]
It’s what holds the nuclei in atoms together, overcoming electric repulsion. But how does it work? “I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say […]
Something like social contracts likely run deep in our nature. As does the “economic justice” they need. The largest database we have on hunter-gatherer cultures suggests our ancestors had rigidly egalitarian tendencies 10,000 generations ago.
Well, nothing new happens without some blood being spilled, I suppose.
New and expecting parents can boost their baby’s development by playing games that exercise the young brain.
The innovative design of a Tokyo kindergarten fosters physical activity, learning, play, autonomy, and the feeling of community.
The world is improving when it comes to preventing deaths during natural disasters. Unfortunately, those improvements aren’t felt in poor countries like Nepal.