From forgotten Hollywood movies to Frank Herbert’s “Dune,” science fiction illustrates some of our deepest fears about technology.
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You searched for: Computers
From 260-year-old ciphers to the most recent Zodiac Killer solution, these unbreakable codes just needed time.
In 2023, data from the James Webb Space Telescope soured hopes that TRAPPIST-1 c had an atmosphere. That disappointment might have been premature.
It’s time for Tetris.
Could anyone still meet the Theoretical Minimum?
The AI test can be done every night at home while the person is asleep, without even touching their body.
Both nations made missteps, but China still has a chance to make up lost ground.
What began as an annoyance ended as a Nobel Prize-winning discovery about the Big Bang and the origin of the Universe.
AI software is rapidly accelerating chip design, potentially leveling up the speed of innovation across the economy.
Can laboratories become more humane, or is it time to end animal research altogether?
Explore how the study of exoplanets is transforming our understanding of ocean formation.
Graphical user interfaces are how most of us interact with computers, from iPhones to laptops. But they were once condemned as making students lazy and destroying the art of writing.
A college education currently provides roughly a 10% rate of return, beating the long-term performance of equities.
Meaningful pictures are assembled from meaningless noise.
From machines to animals, there are many kinds of possible minds.
Life is the only physical system that actively uses information.
Biology plays an important role in emotional reactions, but neuroscientist Kristen A. Lindquist posits that our culture is just as influential.
7 min
The controversial theory about magic mushrooms and human evolution gets a much-needed update.
Cryo-electron tomography, or cryo-ET, is the future of cell research.
Archaeologist Bernard Frischer spent decades uploading the ruins of the Eternal City to the cloud. Here’s what it looks like.
BMW found it’s possible to remote-drive vehicles using available technology. All it takes is some software updates and a cellular network connection.
Nobody likes the uneasy feeling of being watched — so can there be any workplace benefit to the all-seeing eye?
In the future, people may look back with horror at how humans treated AI in the 21st century.
Talent wants to be free — but a safe company culture puts “the maze in the mouse” and shackles progress.
Will we ever unravel the mystery of consciousness? Two academics made a 25-year bet on it. The scientist lost.
Seventy-five years after the anomaly’s discovery, scientists have finally figured out why sea levels are so much lower here.
Not even Einstein immediately knew the power of the equations he gave us.
It could explain why so many people don’t respond to common antidepressants.
Living is about staying busy.