Later this year, Google will begin selling eyeglasses that work like transparent computer monitors, displaying all the information accessible on your smartphone.
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You searched for: Computers
Michael Schatz, a researcher at Cold Spring Laboratory, wants to use Google’s algorithms to understand genomic data.
Though University of California, Riverside, researchers were not looking for a correlation between Twitter talk and stock performance, they found it. Now what will they do?
Realizing technology’s promise of accelerating our collective learning – of making us smarter, faster – is a matter of building the right tools, then using each to teach the form of knowledge it conveys most efficiently.
Students at a small, liberal-arts college complained to Mitt Romney about borrowing money to pursue a college major that doesn’t lead to a job. He replied, sensibly, that some majors have […]
People who think intelligence is malleable are more likely to learn from their mistakes, indicates new research. Those who think intelligence is a fixed quality learn less.
The tight squeeze in science funding means the best are forced to be even better. In an economic downturn, it’s like that across industries, but in no other area do […]
The chipmaker has announced a $100 million fund to support investment in ‘connected cars’, an innovation that will lead both the computing and automobile industries in the years ahead.
A pair of Nobel laureates have created a multi-layer transistor made of graphene. The new design succeeds where past models failed, begging the question: Will graphene replace silicon chips?
What’s the Big Idea? In the 21st century, the intelligence of people will determine the future. Our free society can be the magnet for some of the world’s brightest minds if […]
Every status update, every tweet, every pin is a micro-jolt delivered squarely to the pleasure centers of our brains.
Ever wondered how you were supposed to keep up with the never-ending stream of content and data in your life? Not to worry, the elves of the Internet are busy […]
Last week the House voted 218-208 to block the National Science Foundation from funding political science research. No other type of research would be blocked by the NSF budget amendment. […]
The world’s most outspoken peer-to-peer file host, the Pirate Bay, says to avoid being shutdown by Hollywood, it will host servers on drones floating above international waters.
Over the next few months, Google will roll out new semantic search technology that will have a deeper understanding of website content. The advance brings us closer to artificial intelligence.
“Too much experience…may restrict creativity because you know so well how things should be done that you are unable to escape to come up with new ideas.”
What’s the big idea? During an interview with the New Yorker in 2007, Karl Rove arguedthat information technology is influencing Americans to become more fiscally conservative. He said: “There are […]
Companies are beginning to capitalize on the computing power of your smartphone to create new medical instruments—hardware and software—transforming the way we understand medicine.
We are rapidly turning into a nation of drone enthusiasts. According to a recent Freedom of Information Act request from the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF), there are now 63 drone […]
Given that the brain’s synaptic components last but a short time, it has been a mystery to scientists how the brain stores memories, which can last nearly an entire lifetime.
Scientists at the Los Alamos National Laboratory have simulated exploding a one-megaton nuclear bomb against an asteroid 500 meters in diameter. The results are encouraging.
In question is nothing less than the nature of literature from an evolutionary perspective.
A Conversation with William Irwin Thompson by Michael Garfield William Irwin Thompson is a poet, philosopher, cultural historian, former MIT professor, and founder of the Lindisfarne Association – a transdisciplinary think-tank […]
Serial entrepreneur Gurbaksh Chahal says the best way to become a company that is one day over taken is to have a new idea. Witness the history of Kodak and Blackberry, he says.
Here’s an article by Thomas C. Terry getting a lot of attention on how openly our professors disparage Mormons in ways they would be ashamed to talk about members of […]
There has been growing interest in finding ‘second generation’ alternatives to food crops that “don’t grow on arable land and instead can be used specifically for bio-fuels.”
What’s the Big Idea? In a 2011 interview, physicist Stephen Hawking declared, “I regard the brain as a computer which will stop working when its components fail.” Of course, the […]
Just as Francis Fukuyama once predicted the End of History, are we now facing a sort of technological end of history? Has truly radical innovation been forever replaced by incremental […]
Swiss scientists are vying for $1.3 billion dollars in grant funds to construct an artificial human brain. The open source coding for the brain would be made available to all researchers.