A team of astronomers at Johns Hopkins University recently used space and ground-based telescopes to capture the death of a star that was “shredded” by the gravity of a supermassive black […]
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You searched for: Computers
At the end of a long and weary day, with the last drops of twilight bleeding out of the darkening midsummer sky, I turned my key in the lock of […]
By embracing new Web and mobile technologies, green energy companies are creating a new Cleanweb movement in which formerly expensive alternative energy sources – such as solar power – are […]
During its famous Jeopardy! match, IBM’s natural language computer named Watson was given the clue, “What grasshoppers eat.” When this computing marvel answered, “Kosher,” it looked dumb.
As a Director for the Center for the Advanced Study of Technology Leadership in Education (CASTLE), I am often asked, what are some must-have tools for school administrators? Well, here […]
Silicon Valley’s wage gap and income inequality between men and women must surely rank among the worst in the country.
A federal judge has ruled that “liking” something on Facebook does not count as constitutionally protected speech. It is a decision that has confounded some law professors.
For getting information, building apps proved a dangerous game for publishers. Introducing closed systems into the open Web proved unsatisfactory to readers, advertisers and publishers.
Two previously blind British patients have had partial vision restored by a microchip implanted behind their retinas, indicating to the brain that the eye is receiving light.
A Berkeley physics discussion group asked “the late night big questions of quantum theory” which served to refocus the field of quantum physics.
Tribalism is pervasive, and it controls a lot of our behavior, readily overriding reason.
With respect to the cosmos, mankind has just been born. Hypothetically, if our 14 billion-year-old universe were scaled down to just 10 years (for the sake of comparison), dinosaurs would […]
DARPA – the government organization that brought you the Internet – is back, this time with an audacious five-year, $110 million research initiative to militarize cyberspace. Called Plan X, DARPA’s plan reflects a disturbing […]
To keep power use down, tomorrow’s microchips will rely on light beams to transfer data rather than electricity. That’s good for the US, which still has an advantage in chip manufacturing.
What’s the Big Idea? What does it mean to be connected in the 21st century? Hope, interdependence, and possibly the creation of a new consciousness, says Tiffany Shlain. Shlain is the […]
The next housing boom will be far more radical than the last housing boom. Instead of moving middle-class families into McMansions they can’t possibly afford, this next housing boom will […]
Increasingly innovative computer scripts are being created that automate entire criminal processes—processes that, in the past, used to require human intervention. Don’t like your boss? Threaten to tell his wife […]
A group of scientists have laid out an ambitious plan to tackle one of the grand challenges facing mankind in the early 21st century–develop a supercomputer that can simulate the brain.
Even economists aren’t satisfied with gross domestic product and incomes anymore. Now we also want to know how happy people are and how much they feel they can realize their potential.
You may be familiar with Moore’s Law. The phenomenon was first described in a 1965 paper by Gordon Moore of Intel, and it spelled out the notion that computing capacity […]
Design experts say the furniture of the digital age will be dematerialized, meaning a minimalism no longer imposed by style alone but by the material necessities of digital devices.
Without question, it’s the desire to “know” that drives scientific inquiry. But as scientists at the forefront of physics or biology will tell you, the more we learn, the more simplistic earlier frameworks seem and the more complex the puzzles become.
A Q&A With Dr. John L. Casti, author, X-Events: The Collapse of Everything Dr. John L. Casti is a complexity scientist. This is one of those job descriptions I would […]
The ancient practice of forecasting the weather has evolved frustratingly slow over the course of thousands of years. Yet today we are employing super-computers to predict the weather.
What is the Big Idea? Step into a classroom in North Korea and you will find very little that differs from a classroom in New York City – chalkboard, rows […]
Dr. Michio Kaku says “if I were to put money on the table I would say that in the next ten years as Moore’s Law slows down, we will tweak it.”
Dr. Michio Kaku says “if I were to put money on the table I would say that in the next ten years as Moore’s Law slows down, we will tweak […]
6 min
The amount of medical information we have is doubling every five years. By using advanced computers like Watson, doctors can process that data into clinical cancer treatments.
Very often, the most creative things happen in the most implausible places, such as the creation of the first electronic digital computer at the Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton.
3 min