Can Apps Revolutionize Early Education?

What’s the Latest Development?
The app developer Happi Papi has announced a new education initiative which seeks the input of professional educators in bringing the power of touch technology to the classroom. Called Apps for Education, the program involves six app developers who have come together to create the App Evaluation Program for Schools. “The program will provide educators everywhere with free quality learning apps for the iPad platform. Those teachers will then be able to engage and work with the developers to provide feedback about the apps.” Currently, about 1,000 teachers from across the globe have signed up to participate.
What’s the Big Idea?
The six apps currently chosen for the program help teach everything from counting and spelling to writing Chinese characters, but better technology does not necessarily mean more attentive classrooms or better learning. In order to bridge the sizable gap between technology developers and effective teaching techniques, Apps for Education wants to solicit as much feedback from educators as possible. Apps which go beyond the scope of traditional early education, such as those that teach Chinese script, may change the role of the teacher from a provider of knowledge to a technology filter.
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