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You searched for: Birds
The terrible injustice of Jerrie Cobb, who deserved to be the first female astronaut, yet never made it to space at all. Image credit: © 2011 501(c)(3) Non Profit National […]
Many take caffeine from tea or mate, an herbal drink popular in South America. But the drug, unlike so many others, didn’t come from a chemistry lab. It came from millions of years of plant evolution.
As Scots go to the polls to determine their future, one oracle has already decreed that independence is inevitable: Englishman Terry O’Neil discovered this piece of chicken in his KFC meal, and was struck by its resemblance to the contours of Britain — minus Scotland.
It has been amusing listening to the religious right’s argument that marriage must be between a man and woman for one simple reason: the institution itself has been crumbling for […]
The children of helicopter parents are finally off to college. Unfortunately, mom and dad aren’t staying home. Colleges and universities are having to deal with the nuisance of overbearing parents keeping constant tabs on their adult kids.
By simply watching how couples interact, psychologist John Gottman claims that he can predict with 94% accuracy whether the couple will stay together or split up.
“Faith is believing something you can’t see,” says Dr. Nate Regier. Not just a religious concept, faith in oneself and others distinguishes leaders from the rest of the pack.
Maxims often beat maximization. Much in life isn’t quantifiable, much less numerically maximizable. It’s unwise to ignore that evolution fitted us for maxims, not math, to manage life’s complexities. 1. […]
“I never saw a wild thing sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself.” – D. H. Lawrence
Is a silly name to blame for the Wii U’s lack of success in the console market? Some critics blame poor marketing while others question Nintendo’s ambiguous balance between serious and casual gaming.
Doing any networking this week? If you aren’t, you probably feel you should. For a generation we’ve been hearing that rich social lives will find us jobs, get our chores […]
Planners once thought that building more and wider roads was the solution, but a new study out of California finds that 90% of any new road capacity will be swallowed up by traffic within just five years.
Look up in the sky, it’s a bird, it’s a plane! It’s comet PanSTARRS C/2012 K1, and NASA snapped this photograph of it crossing the constellation Ursa Major. From NASA: […]
What it means if there’s no life anywhere else in the Universe, and what we know so far. “Men occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of them pick themselves […]
In the writings of Thomas Hobbes, the great 17th-century political theorist, we find a keen analysis of the danger ISIS poses to civilized life in the 21st century.
A University of Washington study shows that despite the increase in the number of companies offering flexible schedules, managers still tend to give early birds higher conscientiousness and performance ratings.
From 1974 through 1981, Haruki Murakami ran a jazz club in Tokyo, Japan, and wondered what direction his life would run. After long soul searching, his life ran in the […]
Deceive your eyes with this amazing art technique that makes 2-D drawings come alive! “The contemporaries and rivals of Zeuxis were Timanthes, Androcydes, Eupompus, and Parrhasius. This last, it is said, […]
From the country whose hit shows have featured slow boat rides and bird box video streams comes “Kisten” (“The Coffin”) in which famous people spend time thinking about and preparing for their future final send-off.
Yes, robots are becoming more sophisticated these days. As we reported here on Big Think, researchers in the US developed a method for robots to teach each other new skills. […]
The top 10 pictures from a Russian cosmonaut you’ve never heard of. Image credit: NASA, Space Shuttle Atlantis, during mission STS-132. “We came all this way to explore the Moon, […]
“How do you do that?” young Charlie Parker would ask older musicians. “Would you please do that again?” Those who know jazz, or who only know of jazz greats such […]
Editor’s Note: This article was provided by our partner, RealClearScience. The original is here. The entire idea of democracy rests upon the notion that large groups of people will, more […]
Editor’s Note: This article was provided by our partner, RealClearScience. The original is here. It has been long thought that one of the characteristics that makes humans unique is our […]
It’s the age old question for animal lovers: what are my pets thinking? Researcher Virginia Morell explores animal cognitive science in her new book Animal Wisdom. From Morrell’s interview with […]
Guest post by Kevin Flora (Cross post from The beginning to taking your next step in life will start with a personal learning network. Two phrases come to mind […]
Memories triggered by smell are more emotional than those triggered by sounds, pictures or words
Ever wonder why they stand on one leg? Surprisingly, physics holds the answer! “Is there anything more beautiful than a beautiful, beautiful flamingo, flying across in front of a beautiful sunset? […]
Take a moment today to appreciate exactly how lucky we are to have what we do. “It took less than an hour to make the atoms, a few hundred million years […]