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A spill of diesel fuel in China’s second-longest river has been “effectively” contained by barricades according to the China National Petroleum Corp.
Amid fears of further terrorist attacks the Yemeni government has ordered an “unprecedented” number of troops into the region controlled by Al Qaeda.
With just over 3,000 left in the world, efforts to save tigers from extinction will be stepped up in 2010 after it topped the World Wide Fund for Nature’s list of most endangered species.
A Swedish program is helping American families change their lives to see that reducing energy consumption needn’t be painful.
New scientific data suggests that natural variability explains this year’s cold winter and that global temperatures are still on the rise.
The first Blue Moon in 19 years will usher in the New Year imbuing an already crazy night with more superstitions.
An Illinois physics professor helped the Secret Service to break up a ring of businesses making huge profits by selling fake diplomas.