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The U.S. should follow Britain’s lead in tackling child poverty, says Charles Blow. A new method is urgently needed to stem the tide of children falling into a life of scarcity and want.
Life is not a long slow decline from sunlit uplands towards the valley of death. It is, rather, a U-bend. New statistics show that after the doldrums of middle-age, life perks up again.
Over half the world’s population lives in cities, with millions more pouring in every year. Countries like China, India and South Korea are investing heavily in new so-called “smart cities” […]
It’s been a better year for God. After withering literary assaults on the Almighty from the academic Richard Dawkins and the essayist Christopher Hitchens, believers have hit back.
The Mexican government has been using the army to fight the nation’s drug cartels for about four years. It isn’t working. Some critics say the army is part of the problem.
Last week I vowed to pay more attention to replication in psychology experiments. Repeated experiments are an important test of whether a finding is “really out there” or an accident, […]
Influencers are what makes the greentech industry world go round, so here are the 10 individuals that have had the biggest effect on the greentech sector this year.
Today Charlie Savage of the New York Times, who does an excellent job making complicated legal stories understandable, has a piece on the latest bit of Guantanamo Bay news.  According […]
Well, we’ve reached the holidays again, so Eruptions will be heading off on its annual Holiday break. After this rather busy semester – academically, professionally and volcanically – I need […]