The honeymoon of new American liberalism begun by Obama’s presidential election seems to have died with Ted Kennedy. Reflections on the Lion of the Senate seem to come in three […]
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An Irish Sunday Tabloid recently carried the following Headline on it’s front page, “Kerry: I’ll die young”. For those of you who don’t know, the Kerry in question is not a figure in Politics, not a Humanitarian,not a film star and not a pop star, not anymore anyway.
The friendly federal program you’ve come to know by its nickname, Cash for Clunkers, is officially defunct as of 8pm this past Monday, August 24th. Designed to get Hummers and […]
The New York Times reports that many graduates of the nation’s top law schools are having a tough time finding jobs. The chickens are coming home to roost. Law, like the automobile and other businesses, need to change its ways to adjust to the 21st century.
Here lies a gentleman, he was a reformer, pioneer, the most important the fixer.
Regrets he had a lot, glory a few, sin at least one.
May you rest on August 25, 2009. God bless you Mr. Edward Kennedy.
Greenhouses are a mini example of the phenomena called ‘the greenhouse effect.’ Unfortunately in the years following the Industrial Revolution gases causing air pollution have gotten trapped in earth’s atmosphere and they are Heating Things Up.
During our interview with him, Big Think asked Ted Kennedy to give his counsel: the primary lesson he had learned, the key insight one should take away from his historic […]
The numbers that came out yesterday were downright alarming: up to 90,000 people could die from the swine flu this fall, and 1.8 million people could be hospitalized. So says […]
It was big news when Alec Ross joined the White House State Department in early April 2009—the former Obama campaign social media star was the first diplomatic expert with a […]
By all appearances, it was intended to endear art to a Western populace not necessarily familiar with Manet and Renoir. So when the Whitney Gallery of Western Art opened in […]
saving environment is paramount to saving ourselves
The Human Genome Project can help us answer humanity’s biggest questions surrounding war and violence.
Upon birth should we assume automatic organ donation vs. voluntary donation?
Gentlemen, put down those blunts. Could it be? A new study suggests that men who smoke marijuana daily are four times more likely to have trouble reaching orgasm than men […]
That little time-bomb inside us, and morals for the advancement of science.
Like me, you might be sick of seeing those half-hearted apologies that athletes, politicians, and other celebrities read off index cards when they’ve been caught publicly in a wrong. However, […]
Tom Malinowski has been keeping a critical eye on the Obama administration’s human rights policies: that’s his job as Washington advocacy director for Human Rights Watch. However, he remains sensitive […]
It’s a tragic reality that has gone overlooked in some of the world’s poorest regions. A limited medical infrastructure and lack of education ensuring that many of the world’s children […]
We hear a lot about “compassion” these days in international news. Scotland just released the sole person convicted for the 1988 Lockerbie bombing that left 270 people dead. Its rationale? […]
Reinhard Schmidt Termination West Berlin, NJ (November 1, 2007)–EP MedSystems, Inc. (NASDAQ: EPMD), today reported its financial results for the third quarter ending September 30, 2007. The Company achieved record […]
When someone talks about the effects of climate change, they usually begin with annual rainfall amounts, crop yield, shifting temperature zones (obviously) and other direct effects on humanity’s well-being. But […]
Big Think just sat down with Glenn Loury, a Brown University economist with views so radical he’s often shocked by them himself. Since 1980, the number of Americans in prison […]
A group of Scottish scientists are beginning one of the biggest computer backup projects in history: they’re creating an “accurate to within 3mm” 3D model of Mount Rushmore, so it […]
Quentin Tarantino’s latest film, Inglourious Basterds looked like a divisive piece of historic fiction long before it was in theaters. The Jewish Holocaust revenge fantasy features a fictional troupe of […]
Man thinks that he knows everything and he have answers for every query. Do he know what is a religion, who is god, where he is?. No one have time, No one will put effort to guide others, everyone are selfish in one or other aspects.
The following case I only mention because it is in the media daily.
Omnicharity (n) — A group of cooperating charities working under one name, to benefit one or more causes.
Mr. Gelb cogently describes the nuclear standoff with NK. How about following out the logic? Nuclear Weapons as”Security” are neither illegal nor irrational for any Sovereign State. Anyone who thinks they are dangerous should consider the next logical step: make them Illegal (for any country).Of course, a substitute Security program would be necessary, but that merely needs to be “re-invented”; the States of the US are secure from attack by neighboring states, because its “Illegal”