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As a website devoted to providing an interactive, online forum with global thought leaders, you can imagine our dismay when we read Nicholas Kristof’s evisceration of “experts” in today’s New […]
Prof. Krugman VS Tim Geithner, To Whom will be right (part II).rn rn I hate to see Rupert Murdoch’s WSJ can even figure out a way to home deliver its newspaper to rural area, that NYT CANNOT! That worries me, in NYT almost every day it seems to me that the Columnists, in NYT write articles that aim at teaching other how to save the world. In realty they can not save my beloved (may be not his!) NYT from depression! How can make me believe their writing?rn rn rnrnrnrnrn rn
Everyone knows Metallica…or at least they should. But the band is not known as Christian writers. Many music groups are overlooked in the area of faith messages simply because of […]
I have often reflected on the verse in the Bible that says we can move mountains with our faith, even with the smallest bit. “That can’t be true!” It’s the […]
Using trans epidermal nervous stimulation by way of an elastic sleeve and computer it is possible to create a peristaltic wave in the skeletal muscles. This, along with the valves in veins would assist the heart. Seen as effective for assist after auto collision when chest damage precludes traditional CPR..or possibly PAD
I have often thought that monetary gain should not be a part of collective bargaining. When people sign on they have a wage set…. after that some COLA clause based on gov’t numbers should be enough. By eliminating the simplistic “we want more cash in our pocket” target, more important issues might get the attention they deserve.