Of all the writers to emerge from the psychedelic ’60s, few have endured as long at the top of their craft as Robert Stone. In a candid interview with Big […]
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Since my first vivid political memories were of Bill Clinton, who campaigned on V-chips and school uniforms to win reelection to the presidency, I rely on others’ accounts of how […]
The intellectual trap of exploring a new place — whether through actual travel or by reading a book set there — is the practically unconscious assumption that we can generalize. […]
Families who have lost income during the recession are planning their finances better and even saving money.
An archeological dig in Nazareth has uncovered the home of “a simple Jewish family” in a neighborhood Jesus may have known.
Researchers who followed Blondie suggest that rock and roll drummers get an aerobic and anaerobic workout just like elite athletes.
Property speculators in China are driving up the price of real estate at a record pace prompting calls for restraint.
There is speculation that Apple will announce its much rumored tablet computer in San Francisco late this January.
The Christmas Day bomber once lived in a $3.2 million apartment while attending a top London university.
States with currently expanded Medicaid coverage stand to pay out much more than others under the Senate’s healthcare bill.
The expected repatriation of Yemeni prisoners from Gitmo has been complicated by the Christmas Day bomber who was trained in Yemen.
Iranian reformists have gathered in Tehran during the Shia celebration of Ashoura to protest the government.
New findings show that maternal behavior encourages the formation of new neural connections in the brain.
You’ve gathered up all your quaint eco-wrapping (newspapers and last year’s ribbons), and you’ve put it out with the recycling. You’re getting down to the dregs of the organic eggnog […]
With a college student in art school who was leaning towards photography as a major just a few weeks ago, Learning To See Creatively by Brian Peterson seemed to be […]
How does Nicholas Negroponte know his nonprofit, One Laptop per Child, is improving education in the Third World? When participating schools see their truancy rates drop to zero, he believes it’s doing something right. […]
So as not to beat the dead horse that is the year-end top-ten list, today I wish to highlight a very short “best of” list: the year’s most distinguished misinformers. […]
More cuddly holiday season news: According to two architects who specialize in sustainable-living solutions, it takes twice as much land-use in a year to keep a medium-sized dog fed as […]
A Nigerian man who ignited an explosive aboard a Delta Airlines flight is not believed to have connections with organized terrorism.
Black, Hispanic and Asian voters constituted the majority of the electorate in last month’s NYC mayoral vote for the first time ever.
Victims of fraudulent mortgages are battling a banking bottleneck to have their payment plans renegotiated.
A new computer algorithm analyzes the frequency of unique words used by authors in an attempt to quantify literary style.
That Apple purchased the domain name islate.com back in 2007 might hint at the name of its oft rumored tablet computer.
The Columbian Journalism Review takes a look at the year’s most hilarious newspaper corrections from across the country.
The thriller genre is more and more dominated by conservative ideology and plugged by talking heads like Beck and Limbaugh.
Canadian police are considering giving GPS bracelets to Alzheimer sufferers in order to find them should they become lost.
Recent discoveries about how the brain stores memories may aid the development of drugs to treat diseases like Alzheimer’s.
The New York Times is accused of beating the drums of war by printing an editorial advocating a military strike against Iran.
This is a common time of year for Lists. Everyone seems to have one. David Brooks’s Best Essays List ran in today’s New York Times, and almost every other literary publication […]
Just in time for the holidays comes a study that says loneliness spreads like a disease through people’s social networks. In other words, that sad, isolated feeling is contagious. It’s […]