By digging deep, we could harness enough energy to power generations to come. But it involves fracking.
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The questions about which massive structures to build, and where, are actually very hard to answer. Infrastructure is always about the future: It takes years to construct, and lasts for years beyond that.
Some intellectuals use charisma and deception to obscure the holes in their arguments. Here is how to see through their smokescreen.
A new study refutes some of the claims recently made about the value of napping.
The four-color theorem was one of the past century’s most popular and enduring mathematical mysteries.
Scientists put the most mysterious force in the Universe to the ultimate test. When it comes to the Universe, it’s easy to make the incorrect assumption that what we see is […]
You don’t need to completely automate a job to fundamentally change it.
The risk of dying basically flattens after age 110.
A new study found that people who scored high in certain psychopathic traits are more likely to limit head movements.
A program in Brazil both helped and harmed. What can we learn from it?
What if you are the only person in the world who can think?
Going to smaller and smaller distance scales reveals more fundamental views of nature, which means if we can understand and describe the smallest scales, we can build our way to […]
Preferring “bases not places,” the U.S. does not really resemble the empires of old.
How can we understand mysterious planets like Jupiter? Use giant lasers!
Prosthetic arms can cost amputees $80,000. A startup called Unlimited Tomorrow is aiming to change that by making customized 3D-printed bionic arms for just $8,000.
Bitcoin’s creator owns five percent of the entire Bitcoin supply, meaning that he has a larger percent of Bitcoin than the U.S. has of gold.
The raw ingredients just weren’t there. Thankfully, their predecessors were. Here on Earth, our planet practically overflows with life. After more than 4 billion years, life has spread to practically […]
There’s no telling whether machine-learned common sense is five years away, or 50.
It does not matter if intelligent life exists elsewhere. We will never find each other.
Money can buy happiness — if you spend it on others, research suggests.
A genetic study of British Columbia grizzly bears finds a weird link to local human languages.
The scientists, not the fossil fuel industry, were right all along. Back in 1990, the world’s top climate scientists convened to put together a report on the state of Earth’s climate. […]
While a squirrel’s life may look simple to human observers – climb, eat, sleep, repeat – it involves finely tuned cognitive skills.
Through self-tracking and self-experimentation, we can greatly improve our cognitive capacity.
A new tuna robot leads the way to more agile underwater robots and drones.
Why I was prepared to hate The Structure of Scientific Revolutions but ended up loving it.
It is difficult to save a species that does not seem to care about saving itself.
And the one step we can take to show extraterrestrials we’re figuring it out. Every year, Earth’s meteor showers accomplish two important tasks. This composite photograph shows a large number of […]
This everyday electrical phenomenon had no widely accepted scientific explanation — perhaps, until now.