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After our last go-round, Peter Hitchens has posted a further reply. I encourage you to read it in full before reading my response, which follows below: Once again, Peter Hitchens […]
Once they’re gone, mammalian arms and legs can’t ever be restored. But if you cut off a salamander’s leg it will reappear in just a few weeks. The enigma of amphibian organ regeneration has long puzzled scientists. Now, a new wave of scientists hopes to put it to use.
Does it ever seem that you enjoy the world through your smartphone these days? Documenting every event can be bad for your mind and always being connected stunts creative solutions.
My earlier post, “Storming the Ivory Tower“, discussed the real harm that religion is doing in the world, harm that Very Serious People overlook while tut-tutting at atheists. The natural […]
Happy New Year, everyone! As I may have mentioned in the past, I like the tradition of making New Year’s resolutions: it’s an entirely secular holiday whose point is self-improvement, […]
June 23, 2012 will be the hundredth anniversary of Alan Turing’s birth. The so-called Year of Turing also presents an interesting framework for us to gauge the progress of computing.