As the European Union discusses an embargo against Iranian oil, the US has sanctioned its central bank. The US is also asking for Chinese assistance in stopping Iran’s nuclear program.
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Rick Santorum gives me the impression that if he was on Mars, campaigning for the Martian vote, he would still find a way to blame black Americans for taking the […]
Rick Santorum gives me the impression that if he was on Mars, campaigning for the Martian vote, he would still find a way to blame black Americans for taking the […]
How much smog is too much smog? Air pollution in Hong Kong is worse than it has ever been, and ten times worse than it was in 2005. In fact, […]
Despite an average of 500 protests a day, mostly against local government officials, China as a whole remains remarkably stable. Protesters draw the line at questioning Beijing’s rule.
The issue of illegal immigration is heating up again as November’s presidential decision looms. A fresh wave of political rhetoric along both sides of the aisle — mostly disingenuous assertions calculated to woo a perceived, as-yet-undedicated pool of potential new voters — is picking up pace, left and right. All that speechifying will further ratchet up racial tensions. Over-the-top cartel bloodletting along both sides of the border is just more fuel sprayed on that crazy fire.
The global recession has ushered in a new era of central banking. The once opaque institution now makes public projections far into the future and Europe likes the US model.
Over the past decade, there has been an explosion of research from the social and behavioral sciences offering insight on how individuals, social groups and political systems come to understand […]
Last month saw the 70th anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor that drew the United States into World War II. Sadly, that day of infamy led to a different […]
This weekend, I was upstate in the Hudson Valley visiting my parents, and we went hiking along the ridge of Schunemunk Mountain. While we were walking, I spotted the rock […]
In today’s excerpt – the alliance between the church and the Ku Klux Klan that was crucial both to enacting Prohibition and the maintaining it for thirteen years. Prohibition began […]
By the end of January, a third of everyone who has made a New Year’s resolution will have stopped. By July, more than half will lapse. But knowing why could keep you on the right track.
Mistresses and Lovers for Dummies, Rule #3: If you want an open marriage, then make sure to upload the most updated, de-bugged version of the software, and not the 1970s […]
Men and women exhibit big personality differences after all, says new research from a British University. The results come from an analysis of 10,000 Americans ages 15 to 92.
by Michael Garfield “As viewed by astronauts from the moon, the earth lacks those lines of sociopolitical division that are so prominent on maps. And as recognized here below, the […]
The dramatic decision by the Maldives Government to close down tourist hotel health spas – following recent noisy protests that claimed they were ‘un Islamic’ – provoked fairly predictable headlines […]
A series of polls conducted over the last three years shows that, in the midst of the Great Recession, Americans are resilient, wary, and divided but most still believe in the power of hard work.
[Editor’s Note: Please welcome Sarah Jane Braasch-Joy back to Daylight Atheism! Regular readers from before my move to Big Think will remember her as a dedicated defender of feminism and […]
Recent research confirms there are concrete steps you can take to increase your intelligence. And thanks to the brain’s neuroplasticity, scientists now believe it is never to late to start.
The forgetfulness and clouded reasoning normally associated with ancient grandparents may kick in earlier than thought, according to a new study which says mental decline begins at age 45.
To call Rick Santorum a spectacularly awful presidential candidate would actually be too kind. As the Don Quixote of the Republican Party, Candidate Thou Shalt Not insists on tilting at […]
It was a dark and stormy night. By starting A Wrinkle in Time with the most famous “bad” opening in literary history—the same Edward Bulwer-Lytton line later adopted by Snoopy—Madeleine […]
As a former pro-life governor of liberal Massachusetts, whose signature achievement was the health care plan that served as a model for Obamacare, Mitt Romney has to work hard to […]
As healthcare providers increasingly store your medical records electronically, new opportunities are presented for patients to take responsibility for their health. Here’s how.
Screening for prostate cancer does more harm than good confirms a followup study to the eye-opening 2009 report that said longevity benefits associated with screening come at a high risk.
Contrary to scientists’ expectations, the genes of individuals who live to be over 110 years-old are pretty normal. At the genetic level, supercentarians are just like everyone else.
More and more research suggests there is more than a fleeting boost to be gained from placebos. A change in mind-set about your health can create powerful physical changes.
By way of giving advice and/or comparing notes with other bloggers who use them, I thought last night I’d write some thoughts on some of the big social-networking sites: which […]
A company that makes exoskeletons that enable people with spinal cord injuries to walk has begun selling their product to medical institutions in the US to be used in physical therapy.
This column (flagged by one of our eagle-eyed editors) by Kenneth Rogoff on “rethinking the growth imperative” is incredibly puzzling. Rogoff, a Harvard economics professor and former IMF chief economist, […]