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The Ekso is a bionic exoskeleton designed by Ekso Bionics in order to help wheelchair users walk. Essentially a wearable robot, the Ekso allows people who suffer from paralysis or […]
Fitocracy is a social fitness network that rewards its users with experience points, allowing them to level up and complete fitness “quests” with other users, creating a fun and challenging […]
Thomas K. Lindsay, quite an erudite and distinguished expert, applauds the decision of post-secondary public technical schools in Texas to evaluate institutions and faculty according to how many students have […]
In my early days of blogging, I would have exhaustive debates, sometimes lasting for weeks, with believers who came across one of my websites and posed a challenge to me. […]
At the Reason Rally in Washington, D.C. last month, my friend Greta Christina told me something that I, a lifelong New Yorker, never knew: Harry Houdini is buried in a […]
–Guest post by Alyssa Martori, American University graduate student. People around the world working toward environmental preservation, conservation, and sustainability are often described as part of a global environmental movement. […]
If I were trapped in a burning building, here’s who I would want to see coming up the smoke-filled stairwell: A trained professional firefighter in full gear. Not Mayor Bloomberg. […]
University of Chicago researchers have found that one’s place in a social hierarchy influences the body’s response to illness and stress. Thus the best medicine may be a job promotion. 
Art news always offers wonderful confluences that stir the imagination. The wonderful news that Paul Cézanne’s The Boy in the Red Waistcoat (detail shown above), which had been stolen by […]