When former President George W. Bush’s self-portraits in the shower and tub slipped into public sight a year ago, the general critical approaches either commented on the amateur quality of […]
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In 2000, the United Nations committed to helping achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. At the time, all 189 member states (there are now 193 members) signed on. The […]
Healing leaves scars, but regeneration leaves the cells in their original state. Spinal cord injuries today are considered devastating, but new research suggests that there’s hope in regeneration. DNews has […]
They say that salt is the silent killer. Unfortunately, it makes everything taste more delicious. The good news is that recent research says that Americans consume a healthy amount of […]
Summer is coming, and with it, the most famous nebula in the night sky. “The self-same atoms which, chaotically dispersed, made the nebula, now, jammed and temporarily caught in peculiar positions, […]
Physicists used to believe that the universe existed forever, there was no beginning, and there would be no end. The universe seemed as constant, as dependable as the night sky […]
Let’s face it. The way we’re treating the Earth, we’re going to need a new home, likely very soon. Stephen Hawking has even warned us to abandon Earth or face […]
Star Talk Radio is one of the best things to have ever hit the podcast bin. While I’m a big fan of Cosmos—despite its having the worst music supervisor in […]
All the questions about the meaning of life, Plato found, belonged to the same area of knowledge, which we now call philosophy. Plato made the quest for understanding life one […]
Around 1,500 light-years away, hot young stars surrounded by glowing gas make up the Great Nebula in Orion. This massive starbirth region is on the edge of an interstellar molecular […]
“In order to change the world, you have to get your head together first.” – Jimi Hendrix
A big, bright, dust-rich barred spiral galaxy that won’t stay this way for long! “When we are sure that we are on the right road there is no need to plan […]
The ancient monastery in Petra, Jordan tracked the sun, helping people tell time and worship their faith, scientists have discovered.
Every 26 months, an opposition of Mars occurs. The “red planet” gets closer to Earth. On April 14th, Mars and Earth will be at their closest distance during this opposition. […]
Autism researchers recently made a major discovery. They found that the cerebral cortex wasn’t neatly layered in the brain tissue of autistic children like it is in the brains of […]
Humans have always been attracted to new frontiers, and not just for the adventure. Christopher Columbus stumbled on the New World while looking for another route to the Spice trade […]
It was bound to happen: Neil deGrasse Tyson was impersonated on “SNL.” Played by Kenan Thompson, the fake Dr. Tyson appears on an episode of the morning talk show “Fox & […]
Underground oceans may be venting through these long “tiger stripes” on Saturn’s moon Enceladus. The moon’s icy interior shoots ice through the stripes and into space. NASA has more: Long features […]
“I realise myself that hate wastes a lot of time and energy, and I would rather re-direct any energy that I have to good and positive use.” – Julian Lennon
Deceive your eyes with this amazing art technique that makes 2-D drawings come alive! “The contemporaries and rivals of Zeuxis were Timanthes, Androcydes, Eupompus, and Parrhasius. This last, it is said, […]
It wouldn’t seem as if leprosy, tuberculosis, and Crohn’s disease would have much in common. But increasing evidence points to all three diseases being caused by closely related species of […]
If the Universe began with equal amount of matter and antimatter, why does matter dominate today’s cosmos? “You may not feel outstandingly robust, but if you are an average-sized adult you […]
Once, dinosaurs strutted around the Earth as if they owned the place. That’s at least a fun way to imagine them. The stride marks they left behind, preserved as fossilized […]
Yes, robots are becoming more sophisticated these days. As we reported here on Big Think, researchers in the US developed a method for robots to teach each other new skills. […]
Here at Big Think, we’re big fans of believing in the existence of parallel universes. Our resident expert Dr. Michio Kaku even explains how to escape into one. But what’s […]
To take an idea and put it into Earth’s orbit requires the dedication of an incredible amount of time, energy, and resources to not only the payload itself, but also […]
“Sustainability is a really broad scope of dealing with conflicts or with issues or challenges that you come across,” says Efrat Peled, the Chairman and CEO of Arison Investments, a […]
On Wednesday, the Supreme Court upended nearly four decades of campaign-finance law, removing “aggregate caps” on how much political donors may contribute to federal campaigns. From now on, millionaires seeking […]
The new nerdier news has arrived. But can its nerd tools, honed in the “olicausal sciences” (oli = few), handle the greater complexities of journalism? Steven Pinker says, “No sane […]
I went to Detroit this past weekend to speak to the Knight Foundation’s art grantees. Knight is a non-profit that is concentrated on “transformational ideas that promote quality journalism, advance media […]