The picture above is a composite of 25 images recorded in extreme ultraviolet light by the Solar Dynamics Observatory over the course of the past year.
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Just minutes after meditating, participants in a recent experiment showed beneficial changes to their genetic profile with helpful genes becoming more active and harmful ones becoming less so.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the national suicide rate has increased dramatically in the past decade such that self-inflicted deaths now outnumber those caused by motor accidents.
“Why is the mass of the electron what it is and not 12 times larger or half the size?”
We have reason to believe that some aspects of free will you are not consciously aware of. I don’t think that necessarily means that you’re not free, but you’re not consciously aware of it.
Edward is also helping change the field of philanthropy by co-founding CrowdRise, a social fundraising site that makes it easy and fun for people to raise money for their favorite causes.
I think that the debate over the existence of free will is so much more consequential than the debate over the existence of God.
From a health standpoint there really is not one shred of evidence that genetically modified food has any impact on health other than beneficial.
If we take away the either/or aspect to relationships when it comes to sex, I think we’ll end up with much more stable relationships and happier people, probably.
Try a few new things and yeah, sometimes it will be embarrassing. But maybe that is not such a bad thing. Maybe it’s worth it.
It is happening…but as the quote often associated with discussions of innovation suggests, “the future is here, it is just not evenly distributed….” For years, I’ve predicted, promoted and pleaded […]
There’s no consensus yet as to how we should think about a lot of these biotechnologies. It’s what we’re working out.
There are two things that people want to be able to do to improve their emotional life.
Are U.S. Guns to Blame for Violence in Mexico?
Reverse innovation is not about giving yesterday’s technology; it is not about giving cheap products. It’s about giving value because poor people want value.
We’re constantly editing our day with blinking.
As we keep pushing forward with technology, we’ll be able to take more and more data from the invisible parts of the world and start feeding them into our brain.
Mathematics is a way of formulating an idea, not an idea itself.
You can grow from failure and then you work at it again. You never give up. You keep pushing forward.
One of the most important things you can do is just accept your need for ego validation.
This 80-milligram robot is not only the size of an insect, it also maneuvers like flies with the help of piezoelectric muscles and rotating joints.
The video below shows Virgin Galactic’s SpaceShipTwo breaking the sound barrier.
David Arenson takes the position that your life’s mission is to love yourself.
So Peter Sacks, author of the excellent Generation X Goes to College, explains what’s really wrong with the likely MOOCification of higher education. Studies show that learning through MOOCS and […]
To transform mind, body and spirit requires cultivating self-love.
Today’s Medicaid could affect a small number of poor people within two years. Truly finding out how Medicaid might change their lives would take much longer. Moreover, Medicaid would change with time, too – and almost certainly for the better.
“With great power comes great responsibility.”
Predictive analytics enables governments and companies to not only predict the future, but also to influence the future.
Women have come a long way in the arts, but there’s still a long way to go. It’s not so unusual to find the work of contemporary women artists in […]
University of Iowa researchers found that test subjects who played a particular video game for at least 10 hours exhibited a delay in cognitive processing loss by several years.