Microsoft’s TwedEx is one of several systems being developed that would use technology to deliver packages to people on the move using other people on the move as couriers .
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The job of the human being, as you go through life, is to become less stupid.
And this is something that really could change the world if you would have more people that A, would care about truth, but would not only get stuck in their process of finding truth, but would also apply their knowledge and rationality towards steering the future towards better outcomes.
I hate being angry and so I hate the adversary exchanges that you frequently find in the social sciences and actually in the physical sciences as well where people are snide and they use sarcasm.
The issue of risk is absolutely central to being a creative person.
You copy the people to whom you are connected primarily and you come to copy them along a whole variety of traits.
A tool to help you consider an argument on its own merits instead of being tainted by your current feelings towards the person making it.
You need to recognize the cues and the rewards that you usually associate with smoking.
Marine biology professor David Smith and his students spent a total of 15 hours participating in lectures held 18 meters below the surface of the ocean. Sophisticated audio technology allowed them to interact with each other.
We have witnessed a complete breakdown of our society as it was envisioned as an opportunity society.
These virtual particles are really particles that simply are created from empty space, particle anti-particle pairs that exist for a time-scale so short that you can’t observe them by any measurement, but they’re there.
David Foster Wallace’s classic 2005 commencement speech at Kenyon College was not well known until after his death. In the video below, this great piece of life advice is given visual accompaniment courtesy of The Glossary.
One of the things that’s happening now is your Smartphone is being more integrated with your car.
Obviously it makes a lot of sense to be eating insects.
Twice as many people means twice as much consumption. But it might mean three times as much innovation and we can see that throughout history.
On May 28, a four-decades old ban on the import of these products will be relaxed, allowing Americans to experience culinary traditions dating back centuries.
CERN and TED-Ed have collaborated on a great animation that explains the basics of the Higgs boson.
One of the goals of this neuro-theological research is to try to find ways of identifying the negative as well as the positive effects and to try to ultimately have people turn to a more positive way of looking at religious and spiritual ideas.
“Look out Facebook!” Tweeted Rupert Murdoch on the occasion of Facebook’s one-year anniversary of its botched IPO.
In Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot, two friends, Vladimir and Estragon, endlessly wait by a tree in the moonlight for the arrival of someone they both claim to know but […]
The robots, which have seen action in Afghanistan and Iraq, will be part of a broad-spectrum security and surveillance effort designed to make the next World Cup “one of the most protected sports events in history.”
When the Tate Britain recently revealed the latest rehanging of their astounding collection of British art, many long unseen works found a new place in the galleries, but one long-standing […]
The Solar Electric Scooter can be charged by leaving it in bright sunlight or plugging it into a power outlet or external charger.
New software titled Cara (“Face” in Spanish) can turn any camera into an intelligent eye that analyzes and produces anonymous data on who it sees.
If being moral is so easy, can we dispatch with religion altogether?
The future of medicine is predictive, personalized, preventative and is moving from being episodic and reactive to continuous and proactive.
John Hunter uses Sun Tzu’s The Art of War to help students develop habits of mind that include collaboration and peaceful conflict resolution.
Researchers believe this cave painting may turn out to be over 40,000 years old, old enough to outdate modern humans.
If you’re an empathetic or a kind-hearted person, how do you protect yourself?
Currently, the technology known as “Active Denial” only operates from a large truck, but a report indicates that Raytheon is developing a version that police officers can use to disperse crowds.