Many Chinese terminologies are deceased in world history yet behave in China as if alive – they are undead vocabularies. THE WEST’s treatment for foreign socio-cultural originality is legendary: Western […]
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A graduate student has designed a prototype that will capture and store an odor in a special trap, which would then be sent to a special developer lab to be made into customized vials of scent.
The Guardian’s Glenn Greenwald is a traitor and should be arrested. Glenn Greenwald is a hero and a practicing journalist. That’s the debate in mainstream media that’s overshadowing the news […]
Jason Silva will be discussing technology, philosophy, creativity, the human condition, and what it means to be alive.
I think if you’re the driest accountant with the plastic pocket pen protector it’s in how you interact with the world.
Be willing to take some major drastic action to get you out of your comfort zone and go inside, not outside.
If the Bible got slavery wrong, something as easy and obvious, a moral outrage, the odds that the Bible got something as complicated as human sexuality wrong is pretty high.
Gay lesbian teenagers, LGBT teenagers are lied to about what it is to be a gay or lesbian or bi or trans.
School’s out! Here is an end-of-the-school-year post in three strands positing that much of what we do in school is a monumental waste of time, creativity and intellect. Strand one: […]
Happiness is the joy that we feel striving after our potential.
We often think that if people get happy, they’ll stop working hard or that happy people are unintelligent. And what we’re finding is just the opposite.
The people who waved their American flags and shout about patriotism and at the same time don’t want immigrants to come across our borders or are concerned about illegal immigrants have missed the entire point of America.
If you were really concerned about expenditures on entitlements, you would take people whose families have lived here for a very long time and weren’t being economically productive and you would deport them.
There are also outliers like me who would choose to have female children or gay children and would balance things out.
The internet is no longer an alternative to real life, it’s a tool for arranging it. And at that moment, we lost something that we used to call personal life.
Clay Shirky: If we end up forestalling or shutting down one way or another the open Internet in the name of you keeping Hollywood safe, or fighting off viruses, I think it will be a huge loss for humankind.
It seems to me that our communication will begin in terms of mathematics and physics.
Will a wonderful pristine planet like Earth appear to be inhabited?
We certainly can’t say that it definitely started on Mars, but it seems very plausible that it did.
It’s a growing concern all over the industrialized world, but the country with the highest smartphone penetration rate has put a new education policy package in place.
Has the Supreme Court’s recent rulings paved the way for a new normal of gay acceptance?
More are beginning to speak up against the practice of recording live shows, saying it negatively impacts the performance on both ends.
England may allow a new technique that would take DNA from three people in order to avoid passing on genetic diseases.
The monks of Mepkin and agnostics like Warren Buffett alike have been wildly successful in business not despite their fanatical commitment to the highest principles but because of them.
My experience with the Trappist monks of Mepkin Abbey holds some valuable lessons on how to get and maintain trust.
Data is an abstraction of real life, and real life can be complicated, but if you gather enough context, you can at least put forth a solid effort to make sense of it.
Two scientists argue that if NASA could get over its fear of contaminating other planets with homegrown microbes, it could save a significant amount of money on its exploration missions.
A Bitcoin payment processing company says that in the last two years, more than 8,000 mostly small businesses have signed up for their service. Some merchants say accepting the digital currency helps them stand out.
The words “nerd” and “geek” are often used interchangeably, as if they mean the same thing. They actually don’t.
Sir Ken Robinson wants to help remedy a dangerous and growing trend in developed countries toward career dissatisfaction and disconnectedness.