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As artist Robert Williams grew up in his often dysfunctional, divorced home in the 1940s and 1950s, his mother wished he’d become a cowboy. After seeing Cecil B. DeMille’s 1935 […]
The future of Comet ISON does not look bright,” says the astronomer Ignacio Ferrín of the University of Antioquia in Medellín, Colombia.
Mark 2013 down as the year that the global cyberweapons arms race started. Already, there have been five cyberattacks of unprecedented size and scope in just the first six months of the […]
George is one of these people who is constantly giving away jokes, sharing ideas, letting other people take credit for the work that was done collectively.
I would not trust a boss in judging who’s a giver or a taker but actually go to the people who work laterally or below that person.
So the respected New America foundation—taking its cue from former Princeton president William G. Bowen—is all about reconfiguring higher education along the lines of the 21st century high-tech, highly competitive global marketplace. What we […]
The weather has been all over the place this year, with record highs and lows recorded in hundreds of different locations around the globe. So how exactly are temperatures changing globally?
The stem cell scientist Sir Ian Wilmut who cloned Dolly the sheep in 1996 has outlined how to resurrect a woolly mammoth by using cells from frozen carcasses. 
“The hero was a big man; the celebrity is a big name,” wrote historian Daniel J. Boorstin in his 1962 book, The Image: A Guide to Pseudo-events in America. The […]