In a recent survey, nearly all respondents admitted to performing personal tasks, both on- and offline, during the work day. More managers are fine with it, partially because they’re doing it too.
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So David Brooks wants to arouse in us some SELECTIVE NOSTALGIA for neoconservatism. That’s not surprising, because he once was a “neocon”—or a “national greatness” conservative. Now the brand “neocon” […]
Of course. But a lot of people apparently aren’t so sure. In its screed against Janet Yellen, vice chair of the Fed since 2010 and one of the three candidates […]
While the N.I.H. has prohibited research involving it sown chimpanzees since 2011, VandeBergargues that chimpanzees and gorillas may die from diseases “that could have been prevented or treated by medical products developed from research with chimpanzees.”
The Ukrainian designer Alexey Kashpersky’s digitally enhanced drawings were awarded first prize in a competition that charged participants with conveying “humanity’s complex relationships with [the HIV] virus, be they emotional, political, or intellectual.”
Advanced analysis of DNA from all over the world has revealed that men’s most recent common ancestor lived 120,000 to 156,000 years ago.
Yes, say Michigan Tech researchers, who compared the costs of purchasing certain common inexpensive household items against the costs of printing them at home. The savings was significant.
It is quite possible that future generations will view A-Rod, and his baseball peers who have used PEDs, as victims of circumstance.
A recent study showed that people who spend most of their days under some form of artificial light can reset their internal clocks to match the sun’s cycle after only a week out in nature.
The Buenos Aires transport authority released video footage of train drivers sleeping, reading and on their mobile devices while operating trains at high speeds.
Every decision we make depends for its success on our ability to weigh the evidence and choose the wisest course, given our objectives. In session 5 of her Big Think Mentorworkshop on The Seven Essential Life Skills, Ellen Galinsky reviews the research and offers tips for building critical thinking skills in adults and children.
Last week, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, as part of a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, released a report saying that menthol cigarettes likely pose a greater public health risk […]
The benefits of tourism in New York City (or any city) are not only financial. Tourists are anti-beacons: wherever they flock, residents like me immediately know where not to go. […]
It’s a hot debate. Should businesses make money off poor people? Paul Polak, the 79-year old entrepreneur, founder of the International Development Enterprises (IDE), and co-author of soon to be released The Business […]
Singapore’s JWT creative agency collaborated with Swiss fragrance company Givaudan to create “smell kits” that, when given to Alzheimer’s and dementia patients, help them remember younger, better days.
Harvard researchers took inspiration from the cooling ability of skin for their microfluidic circulatory system, which can save energy and lower air-conditioning bills.
Kudos to Tyler Cowen for stimulating public debate on an important policy option. Now if someone will just move away from the popular distortions and dysfunctional politics to confront the […]
It’s a huge stretch to blame ordinary Detroiters for the imprudence of their city’s municipal government.
Fox News this week has the not very surprising news that the Obama Administration is looking for social scientists to help form a “Behavioral Insights Team” that, like the group […]
English novelist, journalist, and short story writer Will Self counsels his readership to remain negative, or at least pessimistic, which is how his mother would have wanted it.
The company is conducting internal testing on a Google Now local news “card” that will push geographically relevant information to help users get to know their neighborhood better.
In a clinical trial of 62 patients diagnosed with moderate depression, individuals who received online psychotherapy were relieved of more symptoms than those who saw psychotherapists face-to-face.
What is grit? Grit has been defined by researchers in slightly different but consistent ways. It is hard work plus dedication, perseverance and persistence in the face of adversity, passion […]
Writers who now publish skeptical thoughts about the field of neuroscience are confirming what the public-at-large has known for five years, according to data gathered by Slate’s Daniel Engber.
Researchers at Spain’s Universitat Jaume I are working on a technique that collects several different images of a person’s silhouette in motion and builds a unique “gait signature.”
Girlfriend, boyfriend, partner, lover, significant other. We really don’t have any good way to refer to unmarried romantic partners (see?) in English.
Microbiology students at Penn State-Erie treated the handles with a silver-based compound and found that they successfully killed bacteria transferred to them from a person’s hand.
In 2011, as a Google Science Communication fellow, I spent several days with other scientists and academics at the company’s headquarters learning about new tools and strategies for engaging the public […]
If Miki Agrawal weren’t an actual person, you would think she had been designed by a consortium of Silicon Valley startups as the embodiment of millennial DIY entrepreneurship. The French-Canadian […]
Chemical analyses of ancient cheese-making tools, found in modern-day Poland by archeologists, are shedding light onto how the consumption of dairy products influenced the rise of Europe’s first farming societies.