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On Tuesday, Monsignor William Lynn, former secretary of clergy for the Catholic Archdiocese of Philadelphia, was sentenced to three to six years in prison for his role in shielding pedophile […]
Corey Milne of doesn’t think ‘feminism’ belongs in video games – alongside sex, BDSM, infanticide and so on. As a man, whenever someone mentions feminism I reply with a […]
James Taranto is a Wall Street Journal writer now internationally famous as a self-important jerk because of this tweet yesterday about the Aurora killings: “I hope the girls whose boyfriends […]
When discussing moral matters, there are often misconceptions many of us espouse. To gain greater understanding on ethical topics, of your own and your opponents’ views, it’s important to correct […]
An increasing number of American businesses are recognizing the competitive necessity of building and retaining an engaged workforce. Even in a recession, the most talented people will always be attracted to roles at companies where their efforts are clearly appreciated and rewarded. 
After years of hearing about the Social Media Revolution, many of the rebellious, counter-culture figures are starting to disappear to the sidelines as the big money Wall Street investors and traditional […]
The following is an upcoming post for It riffs on themes I discussed in my previous post on humor. If you have not already, check out There’s great […]