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As more institutions take advantage of improved tracking methods, all kinds of unusual information is being sold to data brokers, and there’s still not a whole lot you can do about it.
If the Fed still has room to juice the economy without threatening price stability, why doesn’t it? 
Here’s what happened: “Gareth Jones, a well-regarded bioethicist at the University of Otago Bioethics Centre, published a piece in the New Zealand Medical Journal …The article… defends prenatal screening for […]
I’ve gotten a lot of comments by email and “other locations” on the web about my recent post on Tom Friedman’s expert certification of the reality of MOOCs. One comment […]
“Living is a form of not being sure, not knowing what next or how. The moment you know how, you begin to die a little,” said Agnes de Mille, the […]
You’ve heard it time and time again:  marriage is good for your health.  Studies have shown that married folks not only live longer but also enjoy better health than their […]
This week’s unveiling of Leo Villareal’s The Bay Lights (shown above), the world’s largest LED sculpture running along 1.8 miles of San Francisco’s Bay Bridge, shone a light on more […]
Consumers are no longer engaged in the linear model of traditional marketing, but through a cycle, indeed a journey, across digital, mobile and social platforms. 
The BIG educational news today is that the mainstream expert journalist Thomas Friedman has certified that MOOCs are real.  And a quick bit of GOOGLING reveals that all the marketers of […]