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Companies need to be social to be successful. This is a key insight in Maddie Grant’s book Humanize: How People-Centric Organizations Succeed in a Social World, which argues that the principles underlying social media’s growth can be applied to the way we lead and manage organizations.
On a warm spring night in Paris, May 29, 1913, a riot broke out in the Champs Elysee Theatre during the premier of Igor Stravinsky’s “The Rite of Spring.” As […]
So Scott Jaschik explains—in Inside Higher Ed—that parents and students still want the prestigious brand of the liberal arts college.  Lots of leaders, after all, have been educated at such schools, […]
Market reports sometimes use the phrase “testing the bottom.” It’s when a market flirts with a new low, below which it will not fall. The phrase also applies to the […]
Feelings are difficult to quantify and contextualize.  By nature they are fleeting and nearly impossible to judge according to any accurate barometer and yet they are still there dancing around […]
The big news this week, as well it should be, was a new survey from Pew showing that America’s religious “nones” continue their demographic ascent: The number of Americans who […]
Earlier this week, the Nobel Prize for Medicine was awarded to John B. Gurdon and Shinya Yamanaka for their pioneering work in cell reprogramming. The decision was not without controversy. […]
Mark Rothko only got as far as his sophomore year at Yale before fleeing that WASP nest of anti-Semitism and elitism. Forty-six years later, Yale awarded him an honorary degree […]