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I wanted my audience to identify with Shylock in a deeply personal way, so much so that they would involuntarily nod and think, “Yes, I understand, I have been there.”
NASA’s recent discovery of two Earth-like planets within the Kepler-62 solar system – the most Earth-like planets ever detected – is creating excitement in the scientific community that we’re close to finding […]
Not all vitamins are good for all people, all the time. In fact, some can kill you. And guess what? We know where the bodies are buried.
Cruelty preoccupies me. I find that stories of cruelty stay with me, hauntingly, and infiltrate deeply. I cannot conceive of it in its most basic elements, the physical act of […]
Historians believe that Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564, making today his 449th birthday. He also died on this date in 1616. And so Shakespeare is the subject of today’s Mind Memes.
We need to support today’s “Eco Warriors” so they can “get to work and keep on raising the awareness and push corporations, governments, society at large to make better decisions.”
If you take the analytic approach to realistically look at your skills and your strengths and help develop a plan, a roadmap to get through a challenge and identify role models in your life you’ll be on the road to optimism.
Just as having sex and eating food stimulate reward centers in our brain (because such activities help us survive and pass on our genes), listening to music is about satisfying our desires. 
Based on new research suggesting that infantile brains function similarly to adult ones, French scientists speculate that infants as young as two months might have independent thoughts.