If we are to ever reach beyond our own planet, possibly colonizing asteroids and Jupiter’s moon Europa, we need a better propellant system. Rocket scientists recommend nuclear power.
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Sir Richard Branson & Forger, aka Mark Stucky congratulate each other after the success of Virgin Galactic’s first rocket-powered flight that broke the sound barrier in a test over the Mojave Desert.
The online commerce giant eBay is considering accepting the virtual currency Bitcoin. The retailer would use its Paypal payments network to exchange the currency online for goods and services.
“Everyone can write but there are few good writers. Just because everyone can [write] doesn’t mean that there’s talent,” Paul Verhoeven told an audience at the Tribeca Film Festival after […]
May 1, or May Day, or the Feast of St Joseph the Worker, the patron saint of workers, is a day that workers were traditionally given off following the planting of the fields that later became a bank holiday and is today an annual occasion for displays of social unrest throughout much of Europe.
One of the most memorable moments in the HBO film And the Band Played On, honored at this year’s Tribeca Film Festival to celebrate the film’s 20th anniversary, is a […]
Using 2.5 billion mobile call records from five million cell-phone users in Ivory Coast, IBM has created a system of bus routes estimated to cut workers’ commute time by ten percent.
How your child can join the universally human undertaking that is science, and from that moment embrace technology as something that is to be celebrated rather than feared.
If you want to help children explore, there is perhaps one thing you can do. Buy a pair of binoculars and leave them out.
What’s the most perfect, ideal, pure act of sexual consent that you can imagine? Maybe it would be you and your most favorite lover, ever, in a hotel room for […]
Launched via a 35-day crowdfunding campaign on Indiegogo, Matterform blasted through its initial fundraising goal of $81K in 1 week and has raised over $460K. With 4 days left to go, the company announced that it has outgrown its production facility and decided to add color scanning to what is the world’s 1st affordable home 3D scanner product (currently $599).
After her uterus nearly erupted, Vyckie Garrison was rushed to the hospital to give birth to her seventh child. The emergency caesarean section nearly killed her. Her doctor warned the […]
The problem, some would argue, is that this line in the sand has not be drawn with a sword but with mere words, words that are being contradicted by inaction.
National governments are increasingly less likely to collect personal data on identification cards because they will soon simply purchase your personal information from companies.
Recently, I’ve reconnected with some old friends. We’ve had the experience of immediately meeting each other at a very deep level despite having parted ways and not seen each other […]
I have begun to use pheromones in place of color pigments to make honest paintings laden with emotion. I call it olfactory expressionism.
To commemorate the moment when the Internet became a public facility, Tim Berners-Lee and the WWW team are bringing back the very first website ever published at its original URL.
While technology companies once focused on simple biological gestures to operate electronic products, today they are working to harness the power of the mind to alter physical realities.
While this is one violent storm, scientists were actually the most surprised by how much the hurricane seems to resemble one on Earth.
Even if NASA’s Mars Curiosity mission doesn’t end up accomplishing another thing other than establishing the fact that there was once flowing water on the planet’s surface, it will have served […]
After enduring years of misery, Jason Collins is now the first openly gay athlete in a major American professional sport. And yet, Collins is not technically the first.
On a global level, we are adding connected intelligence to both machines and objects using chips, micro sensors, and both wired and wireless networks to create a rapidly growing “Internet […]
A pair of British authors is set to release a new book next month detailing the adverse health consequences of economic austerity programs on the citizens of nations who implement such measures.
The use of algorithms to find patterns in massive amounts of data, executing trading decision based upon the frequency of certain keywords across millions and millions of messages, is becoming more frequent.
Our global society has entered a period of accelerated change, and these changes are reshaping entire industries, economic models and institutions. Our blind spot comes from the fact that we […]
While the Chinese economy is said to have kept the world afloat through the latest economic crises, reformers have also pressured China to cultivate a more consumer-oriented economy.
In the aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombing, Americans are not clamoring for trumped up security. What is more likely, say experts, is a gradual increase in the amount of “soft security”.
I won’t propose an answer to this hugely complex question today. Instead, I want to point out some striking similarities between the American perspective on the conflict in Chechnya a […]
It is neither the case that there are too few programmers in America (programmer unemployment currently sits at an all-time high) nor is the education system failing to teach the necessary skills.
Too many patients who are dying of natural causes receive dramatic surgeries near the end of their lives, only serving to sustain their pain and suffering while seldom adding time to their lives.