Well, don’t get excited. I know it really wasn’t a miracle. But the strangely persistent summer rain that took out all the other July 4th activities in this part of the […]
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Rich Lee took an online DIY tutorial into the realm of body modification…and not having to worry about losing headphones is just one of the reasons.
Using bone conduction technology, two firms have created a way to pitch ads to train travelers when they rest their heads against the window.
What is that classic phrase? The one we use to describe a system that is seemingly moving forward, but always ends up moving backwards? Is it “one step forward, two […]
A recent demonstration of technology used to detect bridge stresses leads writer Stacey Higginbotham to speculate on what a connected infrastructure could mean for society.
First there was strongly-worded text, and then there were gruesome pictures. Now, Stirling University researchers have developed a cigarette pack that plays an audio clip when opened.
The Filip is an exceedingly smart smartwatch: It allows parents to monitor their kids using a smartphone app and send one-way text messages, and has an emergency button that, when pressed, broadcasts location information.
Next month, an international team of researchers will begin a five-year mission to find out more about these exploding stars and what they reveal about the age and growth of the universe.
Over 2,600 employees from the San Francisco headquarters of Genentech celebrated the anniversary of the discovery of DNA by forming a human DNA strand reportedly the world’s largest ever.
A LIVE feed from Cairo’s Tahrir Square.
If you were to orbit a black hole the sights you would see would be strange, to say the least.
Long John Silver’s “Big Catch” meal contains 33 grams of trans fat.
Positive punishment is the classic Skinnerian notion in which a stimulus is applied with the aim of reducing an unwanted behavior.
A flag made of hemp is flying over the U.S. Capitol at the request of the Colorado hemp advocate Michael Bowman.
The death of the man himself shows that the word “Kafkaesque” is not guilty of the vacuousness which it is sometimes accused of.
America is the most original country in history precisely because everything American is stolen.
Muhammad Ali specualtes about traveling to Mars to fight a champion boxing match in 1966.
I find it fascinating that based on what we now know, we can’t yet say that it’s impossible to travel in time.
There’s going to be much more, much stronger emphasis on kind of creative work, on generating content.
Despite data indicating that rhesus macaques exhibit many of the same traits that caused the recent reconsideration of chimpanzee use in research, it’s unlikely that another scaling-back will take place any time soon.
Technology makes some conversations seem pointless, boring.
Leibniz complained in the seventeenth century about the horrible mass of books that was overwhelming Europe and he said threatened a return to barbarism.
A bit, the smallest unit of information, the fundamental particle of information theory, is a choice, yes or no, on or off.
The technology is there to capture huge amounts of energy, say industry experts, but there are some challenges to overcome, including the lack of water and the presence of dust.
Your assessment of how long something took has a lot to do with how much energy your brain has to burn during the event.
Time shrinks retrospectively.
Estimates are that a third of the prison population has mental illness.
Keeping a secret is quite bad for you because it causes a lot of stress.
At least that’s the claim being made by a new study: The likelihood of a red dwarf star housing a habitable super-Earth increases significantly when cloud behavior is considered.
The external packaging is far less important to Internet pioneers than what is inside.