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Earlier this month, Lu Ann Ballew, a judge in Tennessee, decided that seven-month-old Messiah Deshawn Martin must lose his first name. Her reasoning is inspiring condemnation from across the religious […]
So we live in a time when we look for wisdom from mega-entrepreneurs. I admit that they’re usually really smart and fascinating–not to say full of contradictions. Peter Thiel, for […]
If you can’t make it in The Land of the Free, you’re defective—that’s the default assumption, the core belief that allows Americans who aren’t hurting, who aren’t unhappy with their lot, to cling to quaint mid-twentieth-century Walt Disney notions about the inherent wonderfulness of American life.
Guest post by Kevin Flora. What does it mean to “recruit” anyway?  Multiple definitions exist for the word “recruit,” but educational institutions tend to pigeon-hole themselves into a single definition […]
The word entrepreneur is tossed around a lot today, but it’s meaning changes depending on the context.  The concept was first introduced in 1723 by French economist Richard Cantillon but […]
Originally posted at Guest post by Todd Norton A small victory on the second day of school this year still has me smiling.  It was something very simple, a […]
The Magellanic Stream, which extends almost halfway around the Milky Way, is only detectable at radio wavelengths, and made visible in the wonderful composite image above.