US officials have asked the nation’s premier scientific journals not to publish new research that discusses how the H5N1 bird flu virus was engineered to carry from human to human.
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To be human is to wonder and wander. The being who wonders can’t be fully at home in the cosmos the scientists can otherwise, perhaps, perfectly describe.
Canadian researchers working to develop an HIV vaccine have received approval from the US FDA to begin human trials of the vaccine. The vaccine works by infecting cells with a virus.
New innovations in mobile banking are making it possible to transfer the entire payment experience from the plastic credit card to your mobile device. New upstarts with funny names that […]
If there’s one trend that’s poised to take off and enter the mainstream in 2012, it’s 3D printing. Sometimes referred to as additive manufacturing, 3D printing is the process of taking […]
If you’ve still got an appetite for holiday links, I’d like to point you to a great new piece by a friend of mine, the author Greta Christina. In a […]
It’s not an uncommon problem – it happened to McDonald’s, it happened to IBM, and it even happened to Apple, says Nancy Koehn, professor of business administration at Harvard.
“Isn’t there anyone who knows what Christmas is all about?” Sure, Charlie Brown, I can tell you. But the answer requires a little textual analysis. Where does Christmas come from, if not books?
Rather than handing out an annual cash bonus, companies are realizing that shorter-term incentive structures do more to motivate employees, as well as reward them for a job well done.
The founder and CEO of Facebook is hesitant over making his company public because he doesn’t want innovation to depend on the whims of stockholders’ interest in short term gains.
Be bold in the face of unanimous decisions, says entrepreneur and author Margaret Heffernan. Neuroscience, sociology and business meetings underscore her point.
In our tough economic times, some are drawn to the stability purchasing a franchise can offer. But they are not immune to difficulties. Here’s how some franchises are getting on.
Year-end performance reviews are meant to help organizational goals and advance people’s careers but often the have the opposite effect of ramping up anxiety and tanking morale.
Has the Internet elevated political conversation by increasing interaction between average citizens? Or is it plunging the country into an abyss of partisanship and ignorance?
Happy winter solstice, everyone! As you doubtless already know, today is the shortest and darkest day of the year (assuming you live in the northern hemisphere). Ancient people, who were […]
Astrology is condemned in the Bible as pagan foolishness, sinful idolatry, even the handiwork of demons. Yet according to the Gospel of Matthew, the magi learned of the baby Jesus’ existence from a star!
Texting while driving was only the tip of the iceberg. As smart phones, tablets and other mobile gadgets make it possible to interact with tiny little screens wherever we go, […]
Jay Cost, one of our best politcal bloggers, told us at Berry College a few weeks ago that what’s wrong with the current system used by our political parties to […]
Complex math skills have been discovered in non-primates.
If you want to understand Occupy Wall Street and the frustration, rage and sadness that drive it, you could do worse than to watch White Christmas. That’s the 1954 confection […]
By lacing electronic chips with microcapsules filled with liquid metal, researchers have created circuits that repair themselves when they become unusable due to cracks or damages.
When did the world turn so “inappropriate?” It seems to be getting more so by the year. Inappropriate’s already appeared 26,200,000 times in 2011 on Google-indexed material. In 2010, it […]
The 3D printing process has caught on slowly among manufacturers but recent gains show promise. Companies like GE are using 3D printers to make highly-refined machine parts.
President Obama ought to be in a lot of trouble. With the economy still as bad as it is after three years in office, his prospects for reelection should be […]
In Europe, pedestrians avoid running into each other by stepping to the right. In Asia, people step to the left. What accounts for these differences and how can crowd science be used to improve cities?
Writer Tauriq Moosa argues that our objections to necrophilia come down to primal disgust, and that most ethical arguments against are logically untenable.
Most Americans know that talking on the cell phone while they’re driving is dangerous. And two thirds of Americans say they do it anyway. So it’s not surprising that […]
The extra dimension of time embedded in each photo we see this holiday season reminds us of how fleeting each moment truly is.
French car maker Renault is preparing to release its vision of what the commuter of the future will drive. The vehicle is built for two, has no doors and gets 62 miles per electric charge.