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My post from last week, “The Abraham Test“, provoked a vigorous discussion (225 comments and counting as of this writing) about the morality of committing violence in God’s name. Since […]
Regular Readers If you are a regular reader here, you might be interested in reading a guest essay I wrote in Forbes. It’s about how marketers are being challenged by […]
The latest Quinnipiac poll has Rick Santorum ahead of Mitt Romney 35-26 among Republicans and voters who lean Republican. National polls are not by themselves be good indicators of who […]
Stanford medical scientists have created a small wireless computer chip powered by magnetic currents that can navigate the body’s veins while monitoring health and releasing drugs.
There was a German Jewish philosopher named Franz Rosenzweig who died of ALS at the age of 43 in 1929. The words on the very last page of his great […]
I think, there is little doubt that tablet devices have drastically changed the way a growing part of the population is consuming content. My iPad has quickly become my main […]
The European physics lab OPERA, which claimed to have tracked neutrinos traveling faster than the speed of light, has recanted. It says a bad GPS connection produced erroneous results.
Get ready for a brave new world where supercomputing mobile devices are so ubiquitous that they lead to entirely new business models in industries ranging from healthcare to education. Cisco […]
When popular culture appropriates complex scientific theories, such as quantum mechanics, Joe Schmoe opines all over the Internet. Is it worth bringing science to the mainstream?