Couples therapy is often a last-ditch attempt to save a faltering relationship. Navigating the potential obstacles that arise in therapy can be the difference between “let’s stay together” and “let’s break up.”
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Xapo CEO Wences Casares calls Bitcoin “maybe the most important social experiment going on right now” that could one day replace the gold standard.
In case you missed it from earlier this week, author Sam Harris visited Big Think to discuss his use of the word “spirituality” and the importance of reappropriating powerful terms.
“Every race and every nation should be judged by the best it has been able to produce, not by the worst.”
A viral music video featuring several fascinating sound experiments is making its rounds across the internet this week. The song title, “Cymatics,” refers to the science of visualizing audio frequencies.
Even if you’re unemployed, it’s important to evaluate every offer so as to not sign on for a job that doesn’t suit your needs.
Friendly people tend to lead happier lives because they dwell more on positive experiences, defying the strong negativity bias found in humans.
Occupying a place of higher social status keeps you healthier and more resistant to disease, even without the trappings of wealth and power which we normally associate with status.
The founder of MIT’s Media Lab imagines a future in which information and knowledge can be delivered to the brain through the bloodstream.
How do these little wonders work? Instant flameless warmth occurs via simple chemistry and iron oxidation.
Bridesmaids have to walk a fine line between looking good and upstaging the bride. There’s also the monumental pressure of being judged by everyone at the service. One expert offers tips for maintaining composure.
As Rolling Stone magazine apologized not once, but twice, for its article last month about a young woman who had allegedly been raped on the University of Virginia campus, we witnessed something rarely seen these days: UVA President Teresa Sullivan, took the high road in responding to the fiasco.
Not a chance. What we’ve found may be a mystery, but it’s definitely not our Universe’s missing mass. “Time takes it all whether you want it to or not, time […]
Ernie Banks was a Hall of Fame baseball player who spent his entire 19-year career with the Chicago Cubs. Despite his vast personal success, Banks never won a World Series ring.
Scientists who have spent years writing in highly technical terms sometimes need guidance for how to phrase concepts and processes in ways laypeople can understand.
A resourceful Briton named Daniel Beaumont went on Tinder dates with 32 women who helped him get across the continent.
Torturing a suspect because he or she has knowledge of an imminent attack has more to do with feelings of retribution than the cool-headed utilitarian calculus normally supposed.
The Facebook CEO spoke at a town hall style Q&A and touched on subjects such as his company’s role in the community, recent public relations hiccups, and how parents should monitor social media use.
Imagine standing in a bare room in which a small, 4-billion-year-old rock hangs from the ceiling by a thin wire as three vocalists whistle and breathe on it to make it swing. For some people, such a scenario might be the nightmare version of contemporary art run amok, so far “out there” that it’s never coming back.
What killed the dinosaurs? Scientists have been arguing over the possibilities for years. But new evidence may muddy the waters for the popular asteroid theory.
Like Odysseus who asks his crew to tie him to the mast as they pass the seductive and deadly Sirens, we sometimes need external constraints to triumph over temptations that run counter to our self interest.
Although he’s not a fan of the term, Dan Harris cites the practice of purposeful pauses as a superpower of sorts that can help restore one’s inner calm.
A dark period from the past of psychiatry risks being forgotten, we can’t allow that to happen.
The bombshell announcement that Rolling Stone was backing away from its University of Virginia rape story has opened a societal window to the nature of story corrections and how publications handle journalistic errors.
Keeping your home and workplace in order can have a huge impact on your ability to work and your capacity for feeling calm and productive. Key to organizing clutter is finding a strategy for tidiness that fits your personal style.
“I am proud to have been in a business that gives pleasure, creates beauty, and awakens our conscience, arouses compassion, and perhaps most importantly, gives millions a respite from our so violent world.”
The future of creativity may depend on younger generations being taught computer coding skills just as they are taught foreign languages, mathematics, and science.
For destruction, ice is also great, and will suffice. “Some say the world will end in fire,Some say in ice.From what I’ve tasted of desireI hold with those who favor […]
Edwin H. Land was an American scientist and inventor best known for inventing the Polaroid instant camera. He was a major influence on Apple’s Steve Jobs.
Driving while tired creates the most likely conditions for a road accident, especially when drivers are on the road between 2am and 5am or received fewer than five hours sleep the night before driving.