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The three keys to creativity [Edward de Bono] Thoughts to make work better and your life easier [Thoughtopsy] Hugh Macleod introduces the Blue Monster cartoon for Microsoft [Gaping Void] Weyerhaeuser […]
Who knew? Apparently, the opposite of “shoplifting” is “shopdropping.” According to The Consumerist, shopdropping is when people print out “improved” labels at home and attach them to items in retail […]
One advantage of working in the Times Square area is the ability to check out interesting new billboards on a daily basis. The other day, this billboard over the Westin […]
Over at Marketing Profs: Daily Fix, Elaine Fogel recently riffed on the fact that many university sites have become almost impossible to navigate, due primarily to a proliferation of poorly-organized […]
In a feature called Innovators at the Gate, FORTUNE magazine recently profiled 24 disruptive innovators, including Craig Venter (the guy who helped map the human genome), Jeremy Stoppelman and Russel […]
Couldn’t pass this up. The small business community Ekaweeka has been featuring this YouTube video of a photo shoot for Innovator Jeans on its front page: young lovelies dance around […]
Gerald “Solutionman” Haman, the head of Thinkubator Chicago and a truly original thinker, is looking to recognize the world’s most innovative and creative talent as part of the Innovation Idol […]
In this two-minute video filmed entirely in Second Life, the avatar of Xerox Chief Technology Officer Sophie Vandebroek talks about research in 3-D virtual worlds from Xerox’s innovation group.  In […]