Lovers are parted from lovers, (grand)parents from children, families from their dead.
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You searched for: Matthew Sharpe
On November 25, U.N. members will meet in South Korea to cap off a series of meetings aiming to reduce global plastic pollution.
From “shell shock” to “combat fatigue,” the wars of the past century have violently illuminated the power trauma can wield over the mind and body.
While this has been a popular debate, the evidence suggests there isn’t a strong link between pornography use and erectile dysfunction (ED).
Those who have spent extended amounts of time testing Apple’s new Watch find that it shifts the way they use their iPhones.
The Great Orion Nebula is so great, it needed a second Messier object all to itself! “Be not afraid of greatness. Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others […]
Enter a rapidly changing world where a passionate scientist by the name of Isaac Newton burns political bridges in London, a royal astronomer, Edmond Halley, seeks a powerful formula from […]
This essay was previously published on AlterNet. In the summer of 2010, I saw him several times a week: a portly, dark-skinned gentleman, leaning against a pillar in Penn Station […]
Gasoline prices have never been higher this time of the year, reports the Associated Press. At $3.53 a gallon, prices are already up 25 cents since Jan. 1. And experts say […]
Wes Hickman of American University media relations put together an excellent news release on the study of America’s peak oil perceptions discussed last week. Text of the release is below. […]
“I’ll be your mirror,” The Velvet Underground sang in the song of the same name, “Reflect what you are, in case you don’t know.” In The Moment of Caravaggio, Michael […]
At the BIO 2008 International Convention coming up in June in San Diego, I will be participating in a panel on the communication challenges facing biotechnology. Below are the details […]
[Image from feature on panelist Barbara J. King]Full details are now available for the previously announced panel on Communicating Science in a Religious America at February’s AAAS meetings in […]
Not unexpectedly, the Slatearticle last week generated a range of reactions at blogs, on twitter, and in personal emails that I received. This topic is not going away and as […]
I am back from an excellent science journalism conference in Denmark and will have more to say on the meeting which highlighted several issues that speak directly to challenges faced […]
While nearly everyone knows that March 17 is St. Patrick’s Day, nobody seems to know that March 19 is St. Joseph’s Day. While there have been some traditional Italian celebrations […]