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“Regrets, I’ve had a few,” Frank Sinatra warbled in “My Way,” before adding wistfully, “But, then again, too few to mention.” Sinatra sang that song at the end of a […]
On the 60th anniversary of its publication, Lord of the Flies continues to be a valuable literary and cultural reference point and, more surprisingly, an instructive manual about contemporary political life—and its liabilities.
It’s not easy to take glamour seriously. From the supermarket magazine rack glossy promising “5 Easy, Non-Stalkerish Ways to Show a Guy You’re Into Him” to the never-ending, slow motion […]
Need help getting through the final month of winter? Toughen up by reflecting on the wisdom of Bruce Lee, a self-made action star who commanded Hollywood to come to him. […]
“If all you do is mock the people who disagree with you, you miss your chance to honestly engage with them, learn about where they come from, and — just maybe — teach them a little piece of something that they might not have known before.”
The term ‘teacher’ has numerous connotations. The word immediately conjures images of high school biology and history. Culturally we recognize the inherent importance of those who assume such a role, […]
The ancient word philanthropy means loving humanity. You can help other people in a number of ways – with your ideas, your time, your energy, or with your money.
For the first time ever we have seen an equal balance of men and women on a NASA program. You could say that this new development is one big leap for women.
The secret to cultivating internal energy is to relax the nervous and muscuskeletal system simultaneously. Chi animates the body and makes it alive.